Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Heshmati, Almas

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2000Dynamics of technical efficiency and productivity change under central planning: The Romainian cement industry 1966 - 1989Cotfas, Mihai; Heshmati, Almas; Hjalmarsson, Lennart
2001On the relationship between innovation and performance: A sensitivity analysisLööf, Hans; Heshmati, Almas
2001Innovation and performance in manufacturing industries: A comparison of the Nordic countriesLööf, Hans; Heshmati, Almas; Asplund, Rita; Nåås, Svein-Olav
2001On the causality between GDP and health care Eexpenditure in augmented Solow growth modelHeshmati, Almas
2002The impacts of trade liberalization on employment and wages in Tunisian industriesHaouas, Ilham; Yagoubi, Mahmoud; Heshmati, Almas
2002Labour-use efficiency in Tunisian manufacturing industries: A flexible adjustment modelHaouas, Ilham; Yagoubi, Mahmoud; Heshmati, Almas
2003Labour-Use Efficiency in Tunisian Manufacturing IndustriesHaouas, Ilham; Yagoubi, Mahmoud; Heshmati, Almas
2003The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Employment and Wages in Tunisian IndustriesHaouas, Ilham; Yagoubi, Mahmoud; Heshmati, Almas
2003The new global determinants of FDI flows to developing countries: The importance of ICT and democratizationAddison, Tony; Heshmati, Almas
2003The link between firm-level innovation and aggregate productivity growth: a cross-country examinationHeshmati, Almas; Lööf, Hans
2003The causal relationship between information and communication technology and foreign direct investmentGholami, Roghieh; Lee, San-Yong Tom; Heshmati, Almas
2003Optimality and overuse of labour in Estonian manufacturing enterprisesMasso, Jaan; Heshmati, Almas
2003Determinants of Profit Sharing in the Finnish Corporate SectorArranz-Aperte, Laura; Heshmati, Almas
2003The Effects of Union Wage-Settings on Firms' Production Factor DecisionsHeshmati, Almas; Haouas, Ilham
2003Measurement of a multidimentional index of globalization and its impact on income inequalityHeshmati, Almas
2003The Optimality and Overuse of Labour in Estonian Manufacturing EnterprisesMasso, Jaan; Heshmati, Almas
2004The World Distribution of Income and Income InequalityHeshmati, Almas
2004The Relationship between Income Inequality, Poverty and GlobalisationHeshmati, Almas
2004Regional Income Inequality in Selected Large CountriesHeshmati, Almas
2004Continental and Sub-Continental Income InequalityHeshmati, Almas