Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Brem, Alexander
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2014 | Research and development from the bottom up - introduction of terminologies for new product development in emerging markets | Brem, Alexander; Wolfram, Pierre |
2016 | Strategies for reward-based crowdfunding campaigns | Kraus, Sascha; Richter, Chris; Brem, Alexander; Cheng, Cheng-Feng; Chang, Man-Ling |
2017 | Forschungsförderung in Deutschland — effektiv und zielgerichtet? | Koppel, Oliver; Brem, Alexander; Bican, Peter M. |
2017 | Start-up funding via equity crowdfunding in Germany: A qualitative analysis of success factors | Angerer, Martin; Brem, Alexander; Kraus, Sascha; Peter, Andreas |
2020 | Managing innovation performance: Results from an industry‐spanning explorative study on R&D key measures | Bican, Peter M.; Brem, Alexander |
2020 | Managing dilemmas of resource mobilization through jugaad: A multi‐method study of social enterprises in Indian healthcare | Agarwal, Nivedita; Chakrabarti, Ronika; Prabhu, Jaideep C.; Brem, Alexander |
2021 | Organizational ambidexterity and competitive advantage: The role of strategic agility in the exploration-exploitation paradox | Clauß, Thomas; Kraus, Sascha; Kallinger, Friedrich Lukas; Bican, Peter; Brem, Alexander; Kailer, Norbert |
2021 | Maneuvering the bumps in the New Silk Road: Open innovation, technological complexity, dominant design, and the international impact of Chinese innovation | Brem, Alexander; Nylund, Petra A. |
2023 | Who captures value from hackathons? Innovation contests with collective intelligence tools bridging creativity and coupled open innovation | Attalah, Issam; Nylund, Petra A.; Brem, Alexander |