Browsing All of EconStor by Author Baumann, Max-Otto

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015ECOSOC-Dialog: eine föderale Struktur für das VN-Entwicklungssystem?Baumann, Max-Otto
2016ECOSOC Dialogue: a federal structure for the UN Development System?Baumann, Max-Otto
2016Reforming the UN Development System: can North and South overcome their political differences in making the UN fit for purpose?Baumann, Max-Otto
2016An executive authority for the UN Development System: why this is necessary and how it could workBaumann, Max-Otto
2018Wichtige Fortschritte, ungelöste Probleme: Bewertung der neuesten UNDS-ReformresolutionBaumann, Max-Otto; Weinlich, Silke
2018Unfinished business: an appraisal of the latest UNDS reform resolutionBaumann, Max-Otto; Weinlich, Silke
2018Mission impossible? Country-level coordination in the UN development systemBaumann, Max-Otto
2020Earmarked funding for multilateral development cooperation: Asset and impedimentBaumann, Max-Otto; Lundsgaarde, Erik; Weinlich, Silke
2020Towards more policy advice: Maximizing the UN's assets to build back betterHendra, John; Baumann, Max-Otto
2020Deutschlands Finanzierung des UN-Entwicklungssystems: Eine bessere Mischung für einen stärkeren MultilateralismusWeinlich, Silke; Baumann, Max-Otto; Lundsgaarde, Erik
2020Germany's funding to the UNDS: Towards a better mix for stronger multilateralismWeinlich, Silke; Baumann, Max-Otto; Lundsgaarde, Erik
2020Earmarking in the multilateral development system: Many shades of greyWeinlich, Silke; Baumann, Max-Otto; Lundsgaarde, Erik; Wolff, Peter
2021The case for greater project-level transparency of the UN's development workBaumann, Max-Otto
2022New rules, same practice? Analysing UN development system reform effects at the country levelWeinlich, Silke; Baumann, Max-Otto; Cassens-Sasse, Maria; Hadank-Rauch, Rebecca; Leibbrandt, Franziska; Pardey, Marie; Simon, Manuel; Strey, Anina
2024Universality in action: Why and how United Nations development work should engage with high-income countriesBaumann, Max-Otto; Haug, Sebastian
2024Trump 2.0 in einer Zeit globaler Umbrüche? Implikationen einer möglichen erneuten Präsidentschaft für die internationale Politik und EuropaKlingebiel, Stephan; Baumann, Max-Otto
2024Trump 2.0 in times of political upheaval? Implications of a possible second presidency for international politics and EuropeKlingebiel, Stephan; Baumann, Max-Otto