Browsing All of EconStor by Author Rault, Christophe

Showing results 21 to 40 of 87
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Bootstrap panel granger-causality between government budget and external deficits for the EUAfonso, António; Rault, Christophe
2009Financial development and economic growth: evidence from ten new EU membersCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2009On the influence of oil prices on stock markets : evidence from panel analysis in GCC countriesArouri, Mohamed El Hedi; Rault, Christophe
2009International financial integration and real exchange rate long-run dynamics in emerging countries : some panel evidenceCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Amor, Thouraya Hadj; Rault, Christophe
2009Trade specialisation and economic convergence: evidence from two eastern European countriesCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2009Budgetary and external imbalances relationship: a panel data diagnosticAfonso, António; Rault, Christophe
2010Determinants of pollution abatement and control expenditure in Romania: A multilevel analysisCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2010Environmental regulation and competitiveness: Evidence from RomaniaCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2010Long-run determinants of sovereign yieldsAfonso, António; Rault, Christophe
2010Pollution abatement and control expenditure in Romania: A multilevel analysisCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2010Oil prices and stock markets: What drives what in the gulf corporation council countries?Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi; Rault, Christophe
2011Sources of real exchange rate volatility and international financial integration: A dynamic GMM panel approachCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Amor, Thouraya Hadj; Rault, Christophe
2011Europe agreements and trade balance: Evidence from four new EU membersCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2011Labour market institutions and unemployment: Does finance matter?Rault, Christophe; Vaubourg, Anne-Gaël
2011External monetary shocks and monetary integration: Evidence from the Bulgarian currency boardMinea, Alexandru; Rault, Christophe
2011Europe agreements and trade balance: Evidence form four new EU membersCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria
2011External monetary shocks and monetary integration: Evidence from the Bulgarian currency boardMinea, Alexandru; Rault, Christophe
2011Energy consumption and economic growth revisited in African countriesEggoh, Jude C.; Bangaké, Chrysost; Rault, Christophe
2011Immigration, unemployment and growth in the host country: Bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis on OECD countriesBoubtane, Ekrame; Coulibaly, Dramane; Rault, Christophe
2012Environmental regulation and competitiveness: Evidence from RomaniaArouri, Mohamed El Hedi; Caporale, Guglielmo Maria; Rault, Christophe; Sova, Robert; Sova, Anamaria