Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Mehl, Arnaud

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2018Does a big bazooka matter? Central bank balance-sheet policies and exchange ratesDedola, Luca; Georgiadis, Georgios; Gräb, Johannes; Mehl, Arnaud
2019Fast trading and the virtue of entropy: Evidence from the foreign exchange marketCorsetti, Giancarlo; Lafarguette, Romain; Mehl, Arnaud
2019Distance(s) and the volatility of international trade(s)Mehl, Arnaud; Schmitz, Martin; Tille, Cédric
2019Distance(s) and the volatility of international trade(s)Mehl, Arnaud; Schmitz, Martin; Tille, Cédric
2019Mars or Mercury redux: The geopolitics of bilateral trade agreementsEichengreen, Barry; Mehl, Arnaud; Chițu, Livia
2019Distance(s) and the volatility of international trade(s)Mehl, Arnaud; Schmitz, Martin; Tille, Cédric
2020Patterns in invoicing currency in global tradeBoz, Emine; Casas, Camila; Georgiadis, Georgios; Gopinath, Gita; Le Mezo, Helena; Mehl, Arnaud; Nguyen, Tra
2020Central bank digital currency in an open economyFerrari, Massimo Minesso; Mehl, Arnaud; Stracca, Livio
2021Fundamentals vs. policies: Can the US dollar's dominance in global trade be dented?Georgiadis, Georgios; Le Mezo, Helena; Mehl, Arnaud; Tille, Cédric
2021Fundamentals vs. policies: Can the US dollar's dominance in global trade be dented?Georgiadis, Georgios; Le Mezo, Helena; Mehl, Arnaud; Tille, Cédric
2024Managing the transition to central bank digital currencyAssenmacher, Katrin; Ferrari, Massimo Minesso; Mehl, Arnaud; Pagliari, Maria Sole
2024Dominant currency pricing in international trade of servicesAmador, João; Garcia, Joana; Mehl, Arnaud; Schmitz, Martin