Browsing All of EconStor by Author Darvas, Zsolt

Showing results 41 to 60 of 79
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012The Greek debt trap: An escape planDarvas, Zsolt
2012A Tale of Three Countries: Recovery after Banking CrisesDarvas, Zsolt
2012Productivity, labour cost and export adjustment: Detailed results for 24 EU countriesDarvas, Zsolt
2012Monetary transmission in three central European economies: evidence from time-varying coefficient vector autoregressionsDarvas, Zsolt
2013Inflation persistence in central and eastern European countriesDarvas, Zsolt; Varga, Balázs
2013The euro area's tightrope walk: Debt and competitiveness in Italy and SpainDarvas, Zsolt
2013Can Europe recover without credit?Darvas, Zsolt
2013Should Non-Euro Area Countries Join the Single Supervisory Mechanism?Darvas, Zsolt; Wolff, Guntram B.
2013Inflation persistence in Central and Eastern European countriesDarvas, Zsolt; Varga, Balázs
2013Does the European Semester deliver the right policy advice?Darvas, Zsolt; Vihriälä, Erkki
2013The European Central Bank in the age of banking unionDarvas, Zsolt; Merler, Silvia
2013Should non-Euro area countries join the single supervisory mechanism?Darvas, Zsolt; Wolff, Guntram B.
2013The euro area's tightrope walk: debt and competitiveness in Italy and SpainDarvas, Zsolt
2013Can Europe recover without credit?Darvas, Zsolt
2013Banking system soundness is the key to more SME financingDarvas, Zsolt
2014The long haul: Debt sustainability analysisDarvas, Zsolt; Hüttl, Pia
2014So far apart and yet so close: Should the ECB care about inflation differentials?Darvas, Zsolt; Wolff, Guntram B.
2014Does money matter in the Euro Area? Evidence from a new Divisia indexDarvas, Zsolt
2014Does money matter in the euro area? Evidence from a new Divisia indexDarvas, Zsolt
2014Addressing weak inflation: The European Central Bank's shopping listDarvas, Zsolt; Claeys, Grégory; Merler, Silvia; Wolff, Guntram B.