Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Bordignon, Massimo

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2018The Future of Fiscal Policy in the Euro AreaBordignon, Massimo; Baglioni, Angelo Stefano
2018Plunging into the Sea: Ideological Change, Institutional Environments and Private Entrepreneurship in ChinaYang, Jin; Huang, Jian; Deng, Yanhua; Bordignon, Massimo
2018A Reconsideration of the Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax in a Household Production ModelXiang, Di; Zhan, Lue; Bordignon, Massimo
2018Plunging into the sea: Ideological change, institutional environments and private entrepreneurship in ChinaBordignon, Massimo; Deng, Yanhua; Huang, Jian; Yang, Jin
2019Sorge um Europa: Schuldenkrise und (drohendes) Defizitverfahren gegen Italien – wie geht es weiter?Meyer, Dirk; Busch, Berthold; Matthes, Jürgen; Belke, Ansgar; Bordignon, Massimo; Baglioni, Angelo; Kastrop, Christian; Ponattu, Dominic; Herzog, Bodo; Ferencz, Marlene
2019United we stand? Survey results on the views of French, German and Italian parliamentarians on EU and EMU reformsBlesse, Sebastian; Bordignon, Massimo; Boyer, Pierre C.; Carapella, Piergiorgio; Heinemann, Friedrich; Janeba, Eckhard; Raj, Anasuya
2020Stop invasion! The electoral tipping point in anti-immigrant votingBordignon, Massimo; Gamalerio, Matteo; Slerca, Edoardo; Turati, Gilberto
2020Dancing with the Populist: New Parties, Electoral Rules and Italian Municipal ElectionsBordignon, Massimo; Colussi, Tommaso
2020Dancing with the Populist. New Parties, Electoral Rules and Italian Municipal ElectionsBordignon, Massimo; Colussi, Tommaso
2020Dancing with the populist: New parties, electoral rules and Italian municipal electionsBordignon, Massimo; Colussi, Tommaso
2021The future of the European fiscal union: Survey results from members of national parliaments in France, Italy and GermanyBlesse, Sebastian; Bordignon, Massimo; Boyer, Pierre C.; Carapella, Piergiorgio; Heinemann, Friedrich; Janeba, Eckhard; Raj, Anasuya
2021Getting closer or falling apart? Euro countries after the Euro crisisBordignon, Massimo; Gatti, Nicolò; Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano
2023Is populism reversible? Evidence from Italian local elections during the pandemicBordignon, Massimo; Franzoni, Federico; Gamalerio, Matteo
2024Populists at work: Italian municipal finance under M5S governmentsBordignon, Massimo; Colussi, Tommaso; Porcelli, Francesco