Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hein, Eckhard

Showing results 61 to 80 of 145
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011The European Financial and Economic Crisis: Alternative Solutions from a (Post-) Keynesian PerspectiveHein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim; van Treeck, Till
2011Distribution, 'financialisation' and the financial and economic crisis: Implications for post-crisis economic policiesHein, Eckhard
2011Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution, household debt and financial fragility in a Kaleckian distribution and growth modelHein, Eckhard
2011Book Reviews / RezensionenHein, Eckhard; López, Pier Lauro; Schoder, Christian; Zinn, Karl Georg; van Treeck, Till
2011Book Reviews / RezensionenHein, Eckhard; Sawyer, Malcolm; Stockhammer, Engelbert; Becker, Joachim; Schrooten, Mechthild; Sturn, Simon; Spanberger, Christian
2012Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises: A European perspectiveHein, Eckhard
2012The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the euro area, deficiencies in the economic policy architecture, and deflationary stagnation policiesHein, Eckhard
2012Book Reviews / RezensionenArgitis, Giorgos; Hein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim
2012Editorial to the Special IssueEderer, Stefan; Hein, Eckhard; Niechoj, Torsten
2013Finance-dominated capitalism and redistribution of income: A Kaleckian perspectiveHein, Eckhard
2013"You have to regulate capitalism, otherwise the criminals will dominate it". Interview with Peter FlaschelFlaschel, Peter; Hein, Eckhard; Niechoj, Torsten
2013Future fiscal and debt policies: Germany in the Context of the European Monetary UnionHein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim
2013Editorial: The state of economics after the crisisDullien, Sebastian; Hein, Eckhard; van Treeck, Till
2013Fiscal policy and rebalancing in the Euro area: A critique of the German debt brake from a Post-Keynesian perspectiveHein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim
2014Coping with imbalances in the euro area: Policy alternatives addressing divergences and disparities between member countriesHein, Eckhard; Detzer, Daniel
2014Financialisation, distribution, growth and crises: Long-run tendenciesHein, Eckhard; Dodig, Nina
2014Finance-dominated capitalism in Germany: Deep recession and quick recoveryDetzer, Daniel; Hein, Eckhard
2014Financial, economic and social systems: French Regulation School, Social Structures of Accumulation and Post-Keynesian approaches comparedHein, Eckhard; Dodig, Nina; Budyldina, Natalia
2014Financialisation and the financial and economic crises: The case of GermanyDetzer, Daniel; Hein, Eckhard
2014Interview with Robert Skidelsky: "Economics is not useless. It can either be very harmful, which it often is, or very beneficial"Skidelsky, Robert; Hein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim