Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 593
2024The German Constitutional Court: Activist, but not partisan?Engel, Christoph
2024Education during conflict: The effect of territorial control by insurgents on schoolingStoelinga, Nicole
2024Gewichtsformel - wörtlich genommen: Ein empirischer Test mit der Hilfe eines SprachmodellsEngel, Christoph
2024National central banks and the governance of the European System of Central BanksHellwig, Martin
2024Dynamic efficiency and inefficiency in a class of overlapping-generations economies with multiple assetsHellwig, Martin
2024Do economic preferences of children predict behavior?Breitkopf, Laura; Chowdhury, Shyamal K.; Priyam, Shambhavi; Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah; Sutter, Matthias
2024Deliberately ignoring unfairness: Responses to uncertain inequality in the Ultimatum GameOffer, Konstantin; Mischkowski, Dorothee; Rahwan, Zoe; Engel, Christoph
2024Integrating machine behavior into human subject experiments: A user-friendly toolkit and illustrationsEngel, Christoph; Grossmann, Max R. P.; Ockenfels, Axel
2024Bridging the human-automation fairness gap: How providing reasons enhances the perceived fairness of public decision-makingHenning, Arian; Langenbach, Pascal
2024Asking GPT for the ordinary meaning of statutory termsEngel, Christoph; McAdams, Richard H.
2024Experimental comparative law 2.0? Large language models as a novel empirical toolEngel, Christoph
2024The roots of cooperationBašić, Zvonimir; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Romano, Angelo; Sutter, Matthias; Zoller, Claudia
2023Income risk, precautionary saving, and loss aversion: An empirical testIbanez, Marcela; Schneider, Sebastian O.
2023The economics of Hilbert's hotel: An expository noteHellwig, Martin
2023Overlapping-generations economies under uncertainty: Dynamic inefficiency/efficiency with multiple assets and no labourHellwig, Martin
2023The importance of reciprocity: Investigating individual differences underlying conditional cooperationBartosch, Léon; Mischkowski, Dorothee
2023Homophily and transmission of behavioral traits in social networksBhargava, Palaash; Chen, Daniel L.; Sutter, Matthias; Terrier, Camille
2023Financial literacy, experimental preference measures and field behavior: A randomized educational interventionSutter, Matthias; Weyland, Michael; Untertrifaller, Anna; Froitzheim, Manuel; Schneider, Sebastian O.
2023Social norms, political polarization, and vaccination attitudes: Evidence from a survey experiment in TurkeyKaba, Mustafa; Koyuncu, Murat; Schneider, Sebastian O.; Sutter, Matthias
2023Serving consumers in an uncertain world: A credence goods experimentBalafoutas, Loukas; Fornwagner, Helena; Kerschbamer, Rudolf; Sutter, Matthias; Tverdostup, Maryna
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 593
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