Working Papers, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 254
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Stuck at zero: Price rigidity in a runaway inflationSnir, Avichai; Chen, Haipeng; Levy, Daniel C.
2021Retail pricing format and rigidity of regular pricesRay, Sourav; Snir, Avichai; Levy, Daniel C.
2020Making the most of potential: Potential games and genotypic convergenceEdhan, Omer; Hellman, Ziv; Nehama, Ilan
2020Trade policy and national identity: Why Keynes was opposed to protectionist policies?Brezis, Elise S.
2020Academic scholarship in light of the 2008 financial crisis: Textual analysis of NBER Working PapersLevy, Daniel; Mayer, Tamir; Raviv, Alon
2020Promise, trust and betrayal: Costs of breaching an implicit contractLevy, Daniel C.; Young, Andrew T.
2020Equilibria existence in Bayesian games: Climbing the countable Borel equivalence relation hierarchyHellman, Ziv; Levy, Yehuda John
2020Dense orbits of the Bayesian updating group actionHellman, Ziv; Levy, Yehuda John
2020Charges and bets: A general characterisation of common priorsHellman, Ziv; Pintér, Miklós
2019Gender, culture and STEM: Counter-intuitive patterns in Arab societyFriedman-Sokuler, Naomi; Justman, Moshe
2019Arbitrariness in the peer review processBrezis, Elise S.; Birukou, Aliaksandr
2019Should individuals migrate before acquiring education or after? A new model of brain waste vs. brain drainBrezis, Elise S.
2019Promise, trust and betrayal: Costs of breaching an implicit contractLevy, Daniel C.; Young, Andrew T.
2019Pricing betterRay, Sourav; Wang, Li; Levy, Daniel; Bergen, Mark
2019If you think 9-ending prices are low, think againSnir, Avichai; Levy, Daniel C.
2019Who is in favor of immigrationEpstein, Gil S.; Katav-Herz, Shirit
2019Not all price endings are created equal: Price points and asymmetric price rigidityLevy, Daniel C.; Snir, Avichai; Gotler, Alex; Chen, Haipeng
2018Elitism in higher education and inequality: Why are the Nordic countries so special?Brezis, Elise S.
2018Is brain drain passé? The optimal timing of migrationBrezis, Elise S.
2018Here lives a wealthy man: Price rigidity and predictability in luxury housing marketsLevy, Daniel C.; Snir, Avichai
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 254