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Texto para Discussão No. 1369
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Brasília
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
The Monitoring and Evaluation Committee demanded to the participants of the Technical Chamber the development of a methodological proposal for the program evaluation of the Plurianual Plan (PPA). At that occasion, it was stressed the necessity of an evaluation proposal less complex and with low cost. Such evaluation methodology, to be applied to every kind of governmental program, must focus the improvement of aspects related to program design and management, but with potential to systematize the demand for results evaluation of government actions. For the methodological development, the main foundation adopted was the methodology of Evaluability Assessment of Joseph S. Wholey, which was initially formulated as a kind of pre-evaluation to verify if a program is designed to be managed for results and to identify what changes are needed to achieve results. A crucial stage of this methodology is the elaboration of logic model, which has the function of making explicit the program theory and to assess its quality, verifying if the program is well designed and presents a plausible plan of results achievement. The actual experience of methodological development, presented in this text, incorporated new aspects to the basic theory of logic model. A result to be reported is the adoption, by the Ministry of Planning, of the Ipea proposal for building logic model. This instrument was experimentally applied, in 2007, to 20 programs and is currently being applied to 50 federal programs.
Working Paper

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