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Ergebnisse 21-30 von 33.
2015Competitive centipede games: Zero-end payoffs and payoff inequality deter reciprocal cooperation
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 3, S. 262-272
Krockow, Eva M.; Pulford, Briony D.; Colman, Andrew M.
2015Should law keep pace with society? Relative update rates determine the co-evolution of institutional punishment and citizen contributions to public goods
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 2, S. 124-149
Roithmayr, Daria; Isakov, Alexander; Rand, David
2015Framing and feedback in social dilemmas with partners and strangers
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 4, S. 394-412
Cox, Caleb A.; Stoddard, Brock
2015Bargaining over strategies of non-cooperative Games
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 3, S. 273-298
Attanasi, Giuseppe; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzís, Nikolaos; Montesano, Aldo
2015Selection-mutation dynamics of signaling games
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 1, S. 2-31
Hofbauer, Josef; Huttegger, Simon M.
2015Salience and strategy choice in 2 × 2 games
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 4, S. 521-559
Leland, Jonathan W.; Schneider, Mark
2015Bargaining mechanisms for one-way games
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 3, S. 347-367
Abeliuk, Andrés; Berbeglia, Gerardo; Van Hentenryck, Pascal
2015Evidential equilibria: Heuristics and biases in static games of complete information
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 4, S. 637-676
al-Nowaihi, Ali; Dhami, Sanjit
2015On the three-person game baccara banque
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 2, S. 57-78
Ethier, Stewart N.; Lee, Jiyeon
2015The loser's bliss in auctions with price externality
In: Band: 6, 2015, Heft: 3, S. 191-213
Haruvy, Ernan; Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L.