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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 24.
2019Performance, behaviour and organization of maize trading in MalawiKankwamba, Henry; Kornher, Lukas
2019Sustainability perspectives in agricultural economics research and policy agendaDe Gennaro, Bernardo C.; Forleo, Maria Bonaventura
2019Environmentally sustainable versus aesthetic values motivating millennials' preferences for wine purchasing: Evidence from an experimental analysis in ItalyGallenti, Gianluigi; Troiano, Stefania; Marangon, Francesco; Bogoni, Paolo; Campisi, Barbara; Cosmina, Marta
2019The spread of no-till in conservation agriculture systems in Italy: Indications for rural development policy-makingMarandola, Danilo; Belliggiano, Angelo; Romagnoli, Luca; Ievoli, Corrado
2019Sustainable intensification of beef production in Colombia: Chances for product differentiation and price premiumsCharry, Andrés; Narjes, Manuel; Enciso, Karen; Peters, Michael; Burkart, Stefan
2019Rubber world price transmission to Ivorian producer prices: An analysis in the presence of structural breaksAhoba, Mélanie; Gaspart, Frédéric
2019Shocks in food availability and intra-household resources allocation: Evidence on children nutrition outcomes in EthiopiaTesfay, Gebremeskel Berhane; Abidoye, Babatunde
2019Partnering for sustainability in agri-food supply chains: The case of Barilla Sustainable Farming in the Po ValleyPancino, Barbara; Blasi, Emanuele; Rappoldt, Anne; Pascucci, Stefano; Ruini, Luca; Ronchi, Cesare
2019Coping with food and nutrition insecurity in Zimbabwe: Does household head gender matter?Kairiza, Terrence; Kembo, George D.
2019Evolving consumer trends for whey protein sports supplements: The Heckman ordered probit estimationKeogh, Cian; Li, Chenguang; Gao, Zhifeng