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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 22.
2016Revisiting German labour market reform effects: A panel data analysis for occupational labour markets
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 14, S. 1-43
Stops, Michael
2016Automatic stabilizers: The intersection of labour market and fiscal policies
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 11, S. 1-18
Andersen, Torben M.
2016Poverty trends during two recessions and two recoveries: Lessons from Sweden 1991-2013
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 3, S. 1-20
Jonsson, Jan O.; Mood, Carina; Bihagen, Erik
2016Hanging in, but only just: Part-time employment and in-work poverty throughout the crisis
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 5, S. 1-19
Horemans, Jeroen; Marx, Ive; Nolan, Brian
2016The impact of family-friendly policies in Spain and their use throughout the business cycle
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 9, S. 1-26
de la Rica, Sara; Gorjón, Lucía
2016The impact of easy and early access to old-age benefits on exits from the labour market: A macro-micro analysis
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 18, S. 1-18
Gałecka-Burdziak, Ewa; Góra, Marek
2016Job loss by wage level: Lessons from the Great Recession in Ireland
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 7, S. 1-25
Nolan, Brian; Voitchovsky, Sarah
2016Wage inequality, skill inequality, and employment: Evidence and policy lessons from PIAAC
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 21, S. 1-26
Jovicic, Sonja
2016Did tuition fees in Germany constrain students' budgets? New evidence from a natural experiment
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 6, S. 1-25
Thomsen, Stephan; von Haaren-Giebel, Friederike
2016Do bilateral social security agreements deliver on the portability of pensions and health care benefits? A summary policy paper on four migration corridors between EU and non-EU member states
In: Band: 5, 2016, Heft: 17, S. 1-35
Holzmann, Robert