management revue (mrev) - The International Review of Management Studies, Rainer Hampp Verlag

ISSN: 1861-9908

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 227
2012A sustainability perspective on flexible HRM: How to cope with paradoxes of contingent workKozica, Arjan M. F.; Kaiser, Stephan
2012Italian trade unions: Still shifting between consolidated organizations and social movements?Regalia, Ida
2012The relevance of corporate social responsibility for a sustainable human resource management: An analysis of organizational attractiveness as a determinant in employees' selection of a (potential) employerLis, Bettina
2012Empowering people in the business frontline: The Ruggie's framework and the capability approachCanton, César G.
2012Editorial. The capability approach: A new perspective for labor market and welfare policies?Bartelheimer, Peter; Leßmann, Ortrud; Matiaske, Wenzel
2012Crisis behind the figures? Belgian trade unions between strength, paralysis and revitalisationFaniel, Jean
2012Hungarian unions: Responses to political challengesNeumann, László
2012Transnational trade union cooperation in the Nordic countriesLarsson, Bengt; Bengtsson, Mattias; Lovén Seldén, Kristina
2012Editorial: The future of trade unions in Europe. Part IMatiaske, Wenzel; Grözinger, Gerd
2012Applying the capability approach empirically: An overview with special attention to laborLeßmann, Ortrud
2012An essay on sustainable work systems: Shaping an agenda for future researchJackson, Keith
2012The future of the French trade unionsAndolfatto, Dominique; Labbé, Dominique
2012Perspectives on social pacts in Spain: Social dialogue and the social partnersRohlfer, Sylvia
2011Employee behavior in organizations: On the current state of researchvon Rosenstiel, Lutz
2011Personnel economics: Strengths, weaknesses and its place in human resource managementDilger, Alexander
2011Empirical research on human resource management as a production of ideologyNienhueser, Werner
2011Sustaining the work ability and work motivation of lowereducated older workers: Directions for work redesignSanders, Jos; Dorenbosch, Luc Willibrord; Gründemann, Rob; Blonk, Roland
2011Mixed impressions: Respectable work and slow progress in the science of personnel management within German speaking countriesMartin, Albert
2011Introduction: New perspectives on the quality of working lifeKattenbach, Ralph; O'Reilly, Jacqueline
2011Stewardship behavior and creativityKuppelwieser, Volker G.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 227