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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 28.
2006Human Value Management: The influence of the contemporary developments of corporate social responsibility and social capital on HRMSchoemaker, Michiel; Nijhof, André; Jonker, Jan
2006Organizational justice perceptions and employee attitudes among Irish blue collar employees: An empirical test of the main and moderating roles of individualism/collectivismMurphy, Claire; Ramamoorthy, Nagarajan; Flood, Patrick C.; MacCurtain, Sarah
2006Work styles, attitudes, and productivity of scientists in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom: A comparison by genderWoerdeman, Dara L.; Rodgers, Yana van der Meulen
2006Governing explorative R&D alliances: Searching for effective strategiesFaems, Dries; Janssens, Maddy; Bouwen, René; Van Looy, Bart
2006Procurement and governance management: Development of a conceptual procurement model based on different types of controlEriksson, Per Erik
2006Dialectical conditions: Leadership structures as productive action generatorsMartin, Albert
2006Genderdax: Top companies for women with high potentialsDomsch, Michel E.; Ladwig, Désirée H.; Pintsch, Angela
2006Grounding trust in inter-organizational alliances: An exploration of trust evolutionHatzakis, Tally; Searle, Rosalind
2006The status of female faculty in the US: Thirty-five years with equal opportunity legislationLoeb, Jane W.
2006Human resource practices and organisational performance: Can the HRM-performance linkage be explained by the cooperative nehaviours of employees?Lambooij, Mattijs; Sanders, Karin; Koster, Ferry; Zwiers, Marieke