SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer

ISSN: 1869-4195

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 273
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Modified-likelihood estimation of fixed-effect models for dyadic dataJochmans, Koen
2023Properties of least squares estimator in estimation of average treatment effectsHahn, Jinyong
2023New results on asymptotic properties of likelihood estimators with persistent data for small and large TJuodis, Artūras; Sarafidis, Vasilis
2023Introduction to the special issue in honor of Manuel ArellanoBonhomme, Stéphane; Hospido, Laura
2023Should I stay or should I go? The effect of London's terrorist attack on the educational choices of MuslimsAstorga-Rojas, Diego
2023PML versus minimum x2: The comebackAmengual, Dante; Fiorentini, Gabriele; Sentana, Enrique
2023Identification in dynamic binary choice modelsChamberlain, Gary
2023The aggregate effects of government income transfers shocks: EU evidencePárraga Rodríguez, Susana
2023Revisiting the publicprivate wage gap in Spain: New evidence and interpretationde León, Alba Couceiro; Dolado, Juan J.
2023Education and internal migration: Evidence from a child labor reform in SpainGonzález Chapela, Jorge; Jiménez-Martín, Sergi; Vall Castelló, Judit
2023Minimum age requirements and the role of the school choice setCáceres-Delpiano, Julio; Giolito, Eugenio P.
2023Schumpeter meets Goldilocks: The scarring effects of firm destructionGonzález, Beatriz; Moral-Benito, Enrique; Soler, Isabel
2023Housing prices in Spain: Convergence or decoupling?Ghirelli, Corinna; Leiva-León, Danilo; Urtasun, Alberto
2023The differential impact by gender of the Covid-19 pandemic on the labor outcomes of older adultsDepalo, Domenico; Pereda-Fernández, Santiago
2023The price effects of reducing payment card interchange feesShabgard, Bita; Asensio, Javier
2023Born this way: The effect of an unexpected child benefit at birth on longer-term educational outcomesSánchez-Coll, Sergi
2023A connections model with decreasing returns link-formation technologyOlaizola, Norma; Valenciano, Federico
2023Attitudes towards single parents' children in private and state-dependent private schools: Experimental evidenceDiaz-Serrano, Luis; Flamand, Sabine
2023Approximate functional differencingDhaene, Geert; Weidner, Martin
2022Two extensions of consumer surplusCorchón, Luis C.; Torregrosa-Montaner, Ramón J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 273