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GPS in Beschaffungs- und Handelslogistik

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in.

ild Schriftenreihe Logistikforschung No. 8
MA Akademie Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH, Essen
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
This paper presents the proposed trend development of new technologies in form of GPS (Global Positioning System) as well as procurement and trade logistics as parts of logistic concepts. This is done by describing these two logistics concepts including their components, current developments and trends first. Furthermore, the technical development of GPS is explained from its origin up to possible future developments. Its nowadays' options for use are illustrated as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Parallel to the technical functions of GPS, its application is exemplified via two practical experiences in procurement and trade logistics.
Research Report

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in am: 5. August 2021

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