cemmap working papers, Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

ISSN: 1753-9196

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 983
2023Robust estimation and inference in panels with interactive fixed effectsArmstrong, Timothy B.; Weidner, Martin; Zeleneev, Andrei
2022A simple four-moment approximation to the distribution of a positive definite quadratic form, with applications to testingHillier, Grant H.; O'Brien, Raymond J.
2022Sparse network asymptotics for logistic regression under possible misspecificationGraham, Bryan S.
2022Graphical model inference with external network dataJewson, Jack; Li, Li; Battaglia, Laura; Hansen, Stephen; Rossell, David; Zwiernik, Piotr
2022Policy choice in time series by empirical welfare maximizationKitagawa, Toru; Wang, Weining; Xu, Mengshan
2022Analytic and bootstrap-after-cross-validation methods for selecting penalty parameters of high-dimensional M-estimatorsChetverikov, Denis N.; Sørensen, Jesper R.-V.
2022Discounting trillions of dollars in pension obligations: A better alternative to using the expected return or risk-free rateWoutersen, Tiemen
2022Improved tests for mediationHillier, Grant H.; van Garderen, Kees Jan; van Giersbergen, Noud P. A.
2022IV methods for Tobit modelsChesher, Andrew; Kim, Dongwoo; Rosen, Adam M.
2022Public childcare, labor market outcomes of caregivers, and child development: Experimental evidence from BrazilAttanasio, Orazio P.; De Barros, Ricardo Paes; Carneiro, Pedro; Evans, David K.; Lima, Lycia; Olinto, Pedro; Schady, Norbert Rüdiger
2022Simple estimation of semiparametric models with measurement errorsEvdokimov, Kirill S.; Zeleneev, Andrei
2022When promising interventions fail: Personalized coaching for teachers in a middle-income countryCarneiro, Pedro; Cruz Aguayo, Yyannú; Intriago, Ruthy; Ponce, Juan; Schady, Norbert Rüdiger; Schodt, Sarah
2022Identifying the effect of persuasionJun, Sung Jae; Lee, Sokbae
2022Constrained conditional moment restriction modelsChernozhukov, Victor; Newey, Whitney K.; Santos, Andres
2022Statistical uncertainty in the ranking of journals and universitiesMogstad, Magne; Romano, Joseph P.; Shaikh, Azeem M.; Wilhelm, Daniel
2022Simple estimation of semiparametric models with measurement errorsEvdokimov, Kirill S.; Zeleneev, Andrei
2022An optimal test for strategic interaction in social and economic network formation between heterogeneous agentsPelican, Andrin; Graham, Bryan S.
2022Inference for ranks with applications to mobility across neighborhoods and academic achievement across countriesMogstad, Magne; Romano, Joseph P.; Shaikh, Azeem M.; Wilhelm, Daniel
2022Narrative restrictions and proxiesGiacomini, Raffaella; Kitagawa, Toru; Read, Matthew
2022Dynamic heterogeneous distribution regression panel models, with an application to labor income processesFernández-Val, Iván; Gao, Wayne Yuan; Liao, Yuan; Vella, Francis
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 983