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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 44.
2022Climate regulatory risks and corporate bondsSeltzer, Lee; Starks, Laura T.; Zhu, Qifei
2022Managing monetary policy normalizationBenigno, Gianluca; Benigno, Pierpaolo
2022The financial stability implications of digital assetsAzar, Pablo D.; Baughman, Garth; Carapella, Francesca; Gerszten, Jacob; Lubis, Arazi; Perez-Sangimino, Juan Pablo; Rappoport, David E.; Scotti, Chiara; Swem, Nathan; Vardoulakis, Alexandros; Werman, Aurite
2022Nonconforming preferences: Jumbo mortgage lending and large bank stress testsHaughwout, Andrew; Morgan, Donald P.; Neubauer, Michael; Pinkovskiy, Maxim; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
2022800,000 years of climate riskAdrian, Tobias; Boyarchenko, Nina; Giannone, Domenico; Prasad, Ananthakrishnan; Seneviratne, Dulani; Xiao, Yanzhe
2022Strategic sophistication and trading profits: An experiment with professional tradersAngrisani, Marco; Cipriani, Marco; Guarino, Antonio
2022A new approach to assess inflation expectations anchoring using strategic surveysArmantier, Olivier; Sbordone, Argia M.; Topa, Giorgio; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert; Williams, John C.
2022All-to-all trading in the U.S. treasury marketChaboud, Alain; Correia Golay, Ellen; Cox, Caren; Fleming, Michael J.; Huh, Yesol; Keane, Frank; Lee, Kyle; Schwarz, Krista; Vega, Clara; Windover, Carolyn
2022Who can tell which banks will fail?Blickle, Kristian; Brunnermeier, Markus Konrad; Luck, Stephan
2022Monetary policy and the run risk of loan fundsCetorelli, Nicola; La Spada, Gabriele; Santos, João A. C.