IPE Working Papers, Berlin Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin School of Economics and Law

ISSN: 1869-6406

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 240
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Financialisation and the potentials for a progressive equality-, sustainability- and domestic demand-led regime: A post-Keynesian simulation approachHein, Eckhard; Prante, Franz; Bramucci, Alessandro
2022Moving the center: Adapting the toolbox of growth model research to emerging capitalist economiesMertens, Daniel; Nölke, Andreas; May, Christian; Schedelik, Michael; Ten Brink, Tobias; Gomes, Alexandre
2022Situating the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the Indian economyJha, Praveen K.; Goyal, Meghna
2022The new developmental state and the challenges of the socio-ecological transformation: Lessons from Argentina and BrazilAlfano, Lucia
2022Growth regimes of populist governments: A comparative study on Hungary and PolandKühnast, Julia
2022Emotional regimes in the political economy of the "welfare service state": The case of continuing education and active inclusion in GermanyBetzelt, Sigrid; Bode, Ingo
2022Demand and growth regimes of the BRICs countriesCampana, Juan Manuel; Emboava Vaz, João; Hein, Eckhard; Jungmann, Benjamin
2022Dependency revisited: Commodities, commodity-related capital flows and growth models in emerging economiesSchedelik, Michael; Nölke, Andreas; May, Christian; Gomes, Alexandre
2022Fiskalische Spielräume für eine offensive WohnungsbaupolitikHeine, Michael; Herr, Hansjörg
2022Formation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreements Domestic Advisory Group: What it means for the civil society in Vietnam?Chi, Do Quynh
2022Distributive conflict and the end of Brazilian economy's "Brief Golden Age"Serrano, Franklin; Summa, Ricardo de Figueiredo
2022Varieties of demand and growth regimes: Post-Keynesian foundationsHein, Eckhard
2022Addressing systemic risk in Europe during Covid-19: The role of regulation and the policy mixDotta, Vitor
2022Macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany and the European Monetary Union and economic policy reactionsHerr, Hansjörg; Nettekoven, Zeynep Mualla
2022A supermultiplier demand-led growth accounting analysis applied to the Spanish economy (1998-2019)Labat-Moles, Héctor; Summa, Ricardo de Figueiredo
2022Alternative uses of functional finance: Lerner, MMT and the SraffianshSumma, Ricardo de Figueiredo
2022Financialisation, varieties of macroeconomic regimes and stagnation tendencies in a stylised Kaleckian modelHein, Eckhard
2022Nothing new under the sun: The so-called "growth model perspective"Amable, Bruno
2022Financialization in emerging EuropeKazandziska, Milka
2022FDI-led growth models: Sraffian supermultiplier models of export platforms and tax havensWoodgate, Ryan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 240
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