Working Paper Series, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London

ISSN: 1473-0278

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 510
2023The political consequences of vaccines: Quasi-experimental evidence from eligibility rulesDepetris-Chauvin, Emilio; González, Felipe
2023Entry barriers and growth: The role of endogenous market structureJiang, Helu; Zheng, Yu; Zhu, Lijun
2023Dynamic inconsistency, commitment, and welfare in strategic settingsIvanov, Asen
2023The contribution of transaction costs to expected stock returns: A novel measureHiraki, Kazuhiro; Skiadopoulos, George
2023The intergenerational transmission of higher education: Evidence from the 1973 coup in ChileBautista, María Angélica; González, Felipe; Martínez, Luis R.; Muñoz, Pablo; Prem, Mounu
2023The dynamic effects of income tax changes in a world of ideasCloyne, James; Martinez, Joseba; Mumtaz, Haroon; Surico, Paolo
2023Matching frictions and distorted beliefs: Evidence from a job fair experimentAbebe, Girum; Caria, Stefano A.; Fafchamps, Marcel; Falco, Paolo; Franklin, Simon; Quinn, Simon; Shilpi, Forhad Jahan
2023Taxation and supplier networks: Evidence from IndiaGadenne, Lucie; Nandi, Tushar K.; Rathelot, Roland
2023Unequal transition: The widening wealth gap amidst China's rapid growthJiang, Yangtian; Zheng, Yu; Zhu, Lijun
2022Can public policy increase paternity acknowledgement? Evidence from earnings-related parental leaveRaute, Anna; Weber, Andrea; Zudenkova, Galina
2022CSR and firm survival: Evidence from the climate and pandemic crisesChemmanur, Thomas J.; Gounopoulos, Dimitrios; Koutroumpis, Panagiotis; Zhang, Yu
2022Between Scylla and Charybdis: CEO political ideology, dividends and downsizing during the pandemicBayat, Ali; Goergen, Marc; Koutroumpis, Panagiotis; Wei, Xingjie
2022The dynamics of international exploitationCogliano, Jonathan; Veneziani, Roberto; Yoshihara, Naoki
2022The effects of startup acquisitions on innovation and economic growthFons-Rosen, Christian; Roldan-Blanco, Pau; Schmitz, Tom
2022Expansionary and contractionary fiscal multipliers in the U.S.Kapetanios, George; Koutroumpis, Panagiotis; Tsoukis, Christopher
2022Does going cashless make you tax-rich? Evidence from India's demonetization experimentDas, Satadru; Gadenne, Lucie; Nandi, Tushar K.; Warwick, Ross
2022Do decision makers have subjective probabilities? An experimental testRonayne, David; Veneziani, Roberto; Zame, William R.
2022Impulse response estimation via flexible local projectionsMumtaz, Haroon; Piffer, Michele
2022Informality, consumption taxes and redistributionBachas, Pierre; Gadenne, Lucie; Jensen, Anders
2021How voluntary information sharing systems form: Evidence from a U.S. commercial credit bureauLiberti, José; Sturgess, Jason; Sutherland, Andrew
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 510