This paper explores the complex process of rural development at the community level in the Philippines. From the complementation among the essential elements of rural development (social infrastructure, physical infrastructure, and financial services), linkages are traced towards the attainment of goals. Roads initiate the delivery of other physical infrastructure to the usually isolated rural community. Roads also facilitate the delivery of capacity building activities and community organizing, which empower the community. An empowered community, in turn, will be able to stride a sustainable path towards development. Although development assistance requires a certain density of a bundle to exhibit an effect in a community, expansion of the coverage from the current rate will be needed. Without expansive coverage of a comprehensive package of interventions similar to those provided through official development assistance, manifestation of rural development may be delayed further. A comprehensive package of development projects may be identified and formulated through a participatory approach. Substantial funding that will enable both intensity of intervention and wider coverage will be more efficient than a project implemented in phases spread over time covering different communities. This simultaneous implementation will generate rural development constructs and an expected multiplier effect, both of which are long-term outcomes. This effort will require efficient coordination and synchronized implementation of various development assistance intended for the rural sector.