Bank of Canada Staff Working Papers

ISSN: 1701-9397

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 917
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Saving after retirement and preferences for residual wealthFella, Giulio; Holm, Martin Blomhoff; Pugh, Thomas
2024Parallel tempering for DSGE estimationBrault, Joshua
2024The role of beliefs in entering and exiting the Bitcoin marketBalutel, Daniela; Henry, Christopher; Vásquez, Jorge; Voia, Marcel-Christian
2024Digital payments in firm networks: Theory of adoption and quantum algorithmPriazhkina, Sofia; Palmer, Samuel; Martín-Ramiro, Pablo; Orús, Román; Mugel, Samuel; Skavysh, Vladimir
2024CBDC: Banking and anonymityCheng, Yuteng; Izumi, Ryuichiro
2023Supply drivers of US inflation since the COVID-19 pandemicKabaca, Serdar; Tuzcuoglu, Kerem
2023Persistent debt and business cycles in an economy with production heterogeneityKhan, Aubhik; Lee, Soyoung
2023Identifying nascent high-growth firms using machine learningHoule, Stephanie; MacDonald, Ryan
2023Gazing at r-star: A hysteresis perspectiveBeaudry, Paul; Kartashova, Katya; Meh, Césaire Assah
2023Is money essential? An experimental approachJiang, Janet Hua; Norman, Peter; Puzzello, Daniela; Sultanum, Bruno; Wright, Randall D.
2023SME failures under large liquidity shocks: An application to the COVID-19 crisisGourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem; Penciakova, Veronika; Sander, Nicholas
2023Uncovering the differences among displaced workers: Evidence from Canadian job separation recordsBirinci, Serdar; Park, Youngmin; Pugh, Thomas; See, Kurt
2023Generalized autoregressive gamma processesFeunou, Bruno
2023Narrative-driven fluctuations in sentiment: Evidence linking traditional and social mediaMacaulay, Alistair; Song, Wenting
2023Mandatory retention rules and bank riskCheng, Yuteng
2023Monetary policy transmission, bank market power, and wholesale funding relianceEnkhbold, Amina
2023From LVTS to Lynx: Quantitative assessment of payment system transitionDesai, Ajit; Lu, Zhentong; Rodrigo, Hiru; Sharples, Jacob; Tian, Phoebe; Zhang, Nellie
2023International economic sanctions and third-country effectsGhironi, Fabio; Kim, Daisoon; Ozhan, G. Kemal
2023Understanding inflation dynamics: The role of government expendituresLiu, Chang; Xie, Yinxi
2023Time use and macroeconomic uncertaintyCacciatore, Matteo; Gnocchi, Stefano; Hauser, Daniela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 917