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Results 1-10 of 50.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008The transaction cost theory of the nonprofit firm: Beyond opportunismValentinov, Vladislav
2019The moral complexity of agriculture: A challenge for corporate social responsibilityde Olde, Evelien M.; Valentinov, Vladislav
2016The rise of the food risk society and the changing nature of the technological treadmillChatalova, Lioudmila; Müller, Daniel; Valentinov, Vladislav; Balmann, Alfons
2021Food safety and value chain coordination in the context of a transition economy: The role of agricultural cooperativesImami, Drini; Valentinov, Vladislav; Skreli, Engjell
2008The institutional economics of rural development: Beyond market failureValentinov, Vladislav; Baum, Sabine
2015Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen auf dem Land: Kein unsichtbarer DritterChatalova, Lioudmila; Valentinov, Vladislav
2017Agency costs and organizational architecture of large corporate farms: evidence from BrazilChaddad, Fabio; Valentinov, Vladislav
2018Member heterogeneity in agricultural cooperatives: A systems-theoretic perspectiveIliopoulos, Constantine; Valentinov, Vladislav
2021Stewardship and administrative capacity in green public procurement in the Czech Republic: Evidence from a large-N surveyPlaček, Michal; Valentinov, Vladislav; del Campo, Cristina; Vaceková, Gabriela; Ochrana, František; Šumpíková, Markéta
2020Agrarian vision, industrial vision, and rent-seeking: A viewpointJauernig, Johanna; Pies, Ingo; Thompson, Paul B.; Valentinov, Vladislav