Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des ZEW - Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 3477
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Self-interest and support of climate-related transport policy measures: An empirical analysis for citizens in Germany and SwedenHabla, Wolfgang; Kokash, Kumai; Löfgren, Åsa; Straubinger, Anna; Ziegler, Andreas
2024Cluster policy, innovation, and firm productivity: An econometric assessment of the Flemish Spearhead Cluster ProgramAngelino, Pierluigi; Czarnitzki, Dirk; Volckaert, Astrid
2024Are we yet sick of new technologies? The unequal health effects of digitalizationArntz, Melanie; Findeisen, Sebastian; Maurer, Stephan; Schlenker, Oliver
2024Consumer search and firm strategy with multi-attribute productsGambato, Jacopo
2024Search on a grid: Directed consumer search with correlated productsGambato, Jacopo
2024Do politicians affect firm outcomes? Evidence from connections to the German Federal ParliamentDiegmann, André; Pohlan, Laura; Weber, Andrea
2024Framing effects in consumer expectations surveysPavlova, Lora
2024Left-wing butter vs. right-wing guns: Government ideology and disaggregated military expendituresOlejnik, Łukasz Wiktor
2024Global influence of inventions and technology sovereigntyMueller, Elisabeth; Boeing, Philipp
2024Analysis of a capacity-based redispatch mechanismEhrhart, Karl-Martin; Eicke, Anselm; Hirth, Lion; Ocker, Fabian; Ott, Marion; Schlecht, Ingmar; Wang, Runxi
2024Innovationen in der deutschen Wirtschaft: Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2023Rammer, Christian; Doherr, Thorsten; Krieger, Bastian; Niggemann, Hiltrud; Peters, Bettina; Schubert, Torben; Trunschke, Markus; von der Burg, Julian; Eibelshäuser, Svenja
2024Expertise at work: New technologies, new skills, and worker impactsLipowski, Cäcilia; Salomons, Anna; Zierahn-Weilage, Ulrich
2024Not as good as it used to be: Do streaming platforms penalize quality?Gambato, Jacopo; Sandrini, Luca
2024The recovery and resilience facility: Key innovations and the interplay with cohesion policyCorti, Francesco; Pedralli, Matteo; Pancotti, Chiara
2024The importance of EU Cohesion Policy for economic growth and convergencevon Ehrlich, Maximilian
2024The distributional effects of place-based policies in the EULang, Valentin
2024Cohesion policy and the principle of subsidiarity: A legal analysisLeino-Sandberg, Päivi
2024News media bargaining codesSandrini, Luca; Somogyi, Robert
2024Fueling electrification: The impact of gas prices on hybrid car usageGrigolon, Laura; Park, Eunseong; Remmy, Kevin
2024On the role of EU cohesion policy for climate policyFeld, Lars P.; Hassib, Joshua
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 3477