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Ergebnisse 21-30 von 108.
2015The effect of minimum wages on labour market flows: Evidence from GermanyBachmann, Ronald; Penninger, Marion; Schaffner, Sandra
2018Labour Market Participation and Atypical Employment over the Life Cycle: A Cohort Analysis for GermanyBachmann, Ronald; Felder, Rahel; Tamm, Marcus
2018Long-run patterns of labour market polarisation: Evidence from German micro dataBachmann, Ronald; Cim, Merve; Green, Colin
2018Labour market participation and atypical employment over the life cycle: A cohort analysis for GermanyBachmann, Ronald; Felder, Rahel; Tamm, Marcus
2022The impact of robots on labour market transitions in EuropeBachmann, Ronald; Gonschor, Myrielle; Lewandowski, Piotr; Mandoń, Karol
2010Study on various aspects of labour market performance using micro data from the European Union Labour Force SurveyBachmann, Ronald; Baumgarten, Daniel; Kröger, Hanna; Schaffner, Sandra; Vorell, Matthias; Fertig, Michael
2012How do the unemployed search for a job? Evidence from the EU labour force surveyBachmann, Ronald; Baumgarten, Daniel
2021A Split Decision: Welche Auswirkungen hätte die Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings auf das Arbeitsangebot und die Einkommensverteilung?Bachmann, Ronald; Jäger, Philipp; Jessen, Robin
2011Studies on flexicurity Lot 1: Study on various aspects of labour market performance using micro data from the European Union statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC). Contract No. VC/2010/0032. Final Report - February 2011Bachmann, Ronald; Beimann, Boris; Bredtmann, Julia; David, Peggy; Ehlert, Christoph; Kassenböhmer, Sonja; Schaffner, Sandra; Siemers, Lars
2020It's a Woman's World? Occupational Structure and the Rise of Female Employment in GermanyBachmann, Ronald; Stepanyan, Gayane