HWWI Research Papers, Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI)

ISSN: 1861-504X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 195
2014Entwicklung und Determinanten des Siedlungsabfallaufkommens in DeutschlandErichsen, Jan-Ove; Schlitte, Friso; Schulze, Sven
2014How to woo the smart ones? Evaluating the determinants that particularly attract highly qualified people to citiesBuch, Tanja; Hamann, Silke; Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Rossen, Anja
2014The role of a changing market: Environment for credit default swap pricingLeppin, Julian S.; Reitz, Stefan
2014A spatial computable general equilibrium model for the analysis of regional climate change impacts and adaptation policiesJahn, Malte
2014What are metal prices like? Co-movement, price cycles and long-run trendsRossen, Anja
2014Tax sovereignty and feasibility of international regulations for tobacco tax policiesBräuninger, Michael
2014Who is overeducated and why? Probit and dynamic mixed multinomial logit analyses of vertical mismatch in East and West GermanyBoll, Christina; Leppin, Julian Sebastian; Schömann, Klaus
2014On the predictive content of nonlinear transformations of lagged autoregression residuals and time series observationsRossen, Anja
2014Changing patterns of electricity use in European manufacturing: A decomposition analysisWenzel, Lars; Wolf, André
2014Green, greener, grey: Disentangling different types of green growthRische, Marie-Christin; Röhlig, Andreas Marcus; Stöver, Jana
2014Modeling dynamics of metal price series via state space approach with two common factorsGolosnoy, Vasyl; Rossen, Anja
2014Welfare implications of power rationing: An application to GermanyWenzel, Lars; Wolf, André
2014Overeducation among graduates: An overlooked facet of the gender pay gap? Evidence from East and West GermanyBoll, Christina; Leppin, Julian Sebastian
2013Short-term forecasting with business surveys: Evidence for German IHK data at federal state levelWenzel, Lars; Wolf, André
2013Sektorale und regionale Betroffenheit durch den Klimawandel am Beispiel der Metropolregion HamburgFrei, Xenia; Kowalewski, Julia
2013Regional diversity in the costs of electricity outages: Results for German countiesPiaszeck, Simon; Wenzel, Lars; Wolf, André
2013Equal matches are only half the story: Why German female graduates earn 27 % less than malesBoll, Christina; Leppin, Julian Sebastian
2013Economics of extreme weather events in cities: Terminology and regional impact modelsJahn, Malte
2013Protection against major catastrophes: An economic perspectiveWenzel, Lars; Wolf, André
2013A Zidane clustering theorem: Why top players tend to play in one team and how the competitive balance can be restoredVöpel, Henning
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 195
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers