UFZ-Diskussionspapiere, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ)

ISSN: 1436-140X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 259
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Identifying barriers towards a post-growth economy: A political economy viewStrunz, Sebastian; Schindler, Harry
2017Degrowth, modernity, and the open societyStrunz, Sebastian; Bartkowski, Bartosz
2017Knowledge accumulation from public renewable energy R&D in the European Union: Converging or diverging trends?Grafström, Jonas; Söderholm, Patrik; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Strunz, Sebastian
2017Sustainable financing for biodiversity conservation: A review of experiences in German development cooperationBerghöfer, Augustin; Emerton, Lucy; Moreno Diaz, Alonso; Rode, Julian; Schröter-Schlaack, Christoph; Wittmer, Heidi; van Zyl, Hugo
2017Socioeconomic surveys on private tanker water markets in Jordan: Objectives, design and methodologySigel, K.; Klasser, C.; Zozmann, H.; Talozi, S.; Klauer, B.; Gawel, E.
2017Decentralization effects in ecological fiscal transfers: The case of PortugalDroste, Nils; Becker, Claudia; Ring, Irene; Santos, Rui
2016Die Governance der Bioökonomie: Herausforderungen einer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation am Beispiel der holzbasierten Bioökonomie in DeutschlandGawel, Erik; Purkus, Alexandra; Pannicke, Nadine; Hagemann, Nina
2016Ecological Fiscal Transfers in Europe: Evidence-based design options of a transnational schemeDroste, N.; Ring, I.; Santos, R.; Kettunen, M.
2016Importabhängigkeit und Energiewende: Ein neues Risikofeld der Versorgungssicherheit?Strunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik
2016A public choice framework for climate adaptation: Barriers to efficient adaptation and lessons learned from German flood disastersGawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Strunz, Sebastian; Heuson, Clemens
2016Water footprint and carbon footprint: Disparate relativesGawel, Erik
2016Wahrnehmungen und Funktionen in der Transformation zur Bioökonomie: Eine Akteursanalyse im Politikfeld "Boden"Jürges, Nataly
2016Linking transitions and sustainability: A study into social effects of transition managementSchäpke, Niko; Omann, Ines; Wittmayer, Julia; van Steenbergen, Frank; Mock, Mirijam
2016Are diverse ecosystems more valuable? A conceptual framework for economic valuation of biodiversityBartkowski, Bartosz
2016Can technology-specific deployment policies be cost-effective? The case of renewable energy support schemesLehmann, Paul; Söderholm, Patrik
2016The rationales for technology-specific renewable energy support: Conceptual arguments and their relevance for GermanyGawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul; Purkus, Alexandra; Söderholm, Patrik; Witte, Katherina
2015The economic role of valuers in real property marketsBartke, Stephan
2015The political economy of renewable energy policies in Germany and the EUStrunz, Sebastian; Gawel, Erik; Lehmann, Paul
2015Can monetary valuation undermine nature conservation? Evidence from a decision experimentRode, Julian; Le Menestrel, Marc; Cornelissen, Gert
2015Capturing ecosystem service opportunities: A practice-oriented framework for selecting economic instruments in order to enhance biodiversity and human livelihoodsRode, Julian; Wittmer, Heidi; Emerton, Lucy; Schröter-Schlaack, Christoph
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 259
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers