Browsen in "Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)" nach Autor:innen Berthoin Antal, Ariane

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2020Does Academia Still Call? Experiences of Academics in Germany and the United StatesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Rogge, Jan-Christoph
2019Künstlerische Interventionen erforschen: Wie Museen davon lernen könnenBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2019Research on Artistic Interventions: A Learning Opportunity for MuseumsBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2019Artistic Interventions in Organizations as Intercultural Relational Spaces for Identity DevelopmentBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Debucquet, Gervaise
2019When Top Management Leadership Matters: Insights From Artistic InterventionsBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Debucquet, Gervaise; Frémeaux, Sandrine
2018Meaningful work and artistic interventions in organizations: Conceptual development and empirical explorationBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Debucquet, Gervaise; Frémeaux, Sandrine
2018Discovering the meaningfulness of art in organizations: Experiences with Add Art Hamburg 2015Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Nussbaum Bitran, Ilana
2017So What Do You Do? Experimenting with Space for Social CreativityBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Friedman, Victor J.
2015Artistic interventions in organizations: Data reports from multi-stakeholder surveys in Spain 2011-2014Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Nussbaum Bitran, Ilana
2015Artistic interventions in organizations: beyond the fadBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2015The studio in the firm: a study of four artistic intervention residenciesBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2014Culturally Embedded Organizational Learning for Global ResponsibilityBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Sobczak, André
2014When arts enter organizational spaces : implications for organizational learningBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2010Research program of the Research Unit "Cultural Sources of Newness"Hutter, Michael; Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Farías, Ignacio; Marz, Lutz; Merkel, Janet; Mützel, Sophie; Oppen, Maria; Schulte-Römer, Nona; Straßheim, Holger
2010Forschungsprogramm der Abteilung "Kulturelle Quellen von Neuheit"Hutter, Michael; Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Farías, Ignacio; Marz, Lutz; Merkel, Janet; Mützel, Sophie; Oppen, Maria; Schulte-Römer, Nona; Straßheim, Holger
2008Innovation und Organisation: Entwicklung eines ForschungsfeldesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Canzler, Weert; Hofmann, Jeanette; Knie, Andreas; Marz, Lutz; Oppen, Maria
2008Accountability-Beziehungen im Wandel: Ein sozialwissenschaftlicher ZugangMoes, Johannes; Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Hofmann, Jeanette; Oppen, Maria
2007(Re)discovering the social responsibility of business in GermanyBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Oppen, Maria; Sobczak, André
2006Lernprozesse im Kontext von UN-Weltgipfeln: Die Vergesellschaftung internationalen RegierensBöhling, Kathrin; Busch, Tanja; Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Hofmann, Jeanette
2005Beyond CSR: organizational learning for global responsibilityBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Sobczak, André
2004The centrality of 'between' in intellectual entrepreneurshipBerthoin Antal, Ariane
2004Overcoming dangerous learning: the role of critical reflection in cross-cultural interactionsBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Friedman, Victor J.
2003Hoechst challenges received wisdom on organizational learningBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Krebsbach-Gnath, Camilla; Dierkes, Meinolf
2003Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competenciesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Friedman, Victor J.
2003Negotiating reality as an approach to intercultural competenceBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Friedman, Victor
2003Organizational learning in China: the role of returnersBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Wang, Jing
2002On the importance of being earnest about business: overcoming liberal arts students' misconceptions about leadership in corporate change processesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf
2002Sozialbilanzen: Konzeptioneller Kern und diskursive Karriere einer zivilgesellschaftlichen InnovationDierkes, Meinolf; Marz, Lutz; Berthoin Antal, Ariane
2002Organisationslernen und Wissensmanagement: Überlegungen zur Entwicklung und zum Stand des ForschungsfeldesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf
2002Corporate social reporting revisitedBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf; MacMillan, Keith; Marz, Lutz
2000Organizational learning: Where do we stand? Where do we want to go?Berthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf
2000Drawing on the knowledge of returned expatriates for organizational learning: Case studies in German multinational companiesBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Stroo, Ilse; Willems, Mieke
1998Consultants as agents of organizational learning: the importance of marginalityBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Krebsbach-Gnath, Camilla
1997Business perception of contextual changes: sources and impediments to organizational learningBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf; Hähner, Katrin
1997Organizational learning processes in downsizingBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1997Führungskräfteentwicklung: Neue Lernformen und ihre Konsequenzen für die LehrkräftequalifikationBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1997The live case: a method for stimulating individual, group, and organizational learningBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1994[Rezension] Helen Brown: Women Organising. London: Routledge, 1991Berthoin Antal, Ariane
1992Women in management as change agentsBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1992Lerntransfer: vom Individuum zur Organisation. Wie kann Organisationslernen gefördert werden?Berthoin Antal, Ariane
1992Internationally comparative research in Europe: the underutilized resourceBerthoin Antal, Ariane; Dierkes, Meinolf
1992Corporate social performance: rediscovering actors in their organizational contextsBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1992[Rezension] Jeff Hearn, Deborah Sheppard, Petra Tancred-Sheriff, Gibson Burrell (Hrsg.): The sexuality of organization. London: Sage, 1989Berthoin Antal, Ariane
1992Frauen im Management in EuropaBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1991Gehör schaffen für Verrückte: von Querdenkern lernenBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1991Unternehmenskultur: wenn Management Sinn machtBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1990Organisationskulturen und kooperative Betriebe: ein Aufruf zum QuerdenkenBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1990[Rezension] Gary N. Powell: Women and men in management. Beverly Hills [u.a.]: Sage, 1988Berthoin Antal, Ariane
1990Making ends meet: corporate responses to youth unemployment in Great Britain and the Federal Republic of GermanyBerthoin Antal, Ariane
1988Mehr Frauen ins ManagementBerthoin Antal, Ariane