MPIfG Discussion Paper, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung

ISSN: 1864-4325

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 385
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Grundfreiheiten als Liberalisierungsgebote? Reformoptionen im Kontext der EU-ReformdebatteHöpner, Martin
2017Transnationale Lohnkoordination zur Stabilisierung des Euro? Gab es nicht, gibt es nicht, wird es nicht gebenHöpner, Martin; Seeliger, Martin
2017Varieties of housing finance in historical perspective: The impact of mortgage finance systems on urban structures and homeownershipBlackwell, Timothy; Kohl, Sebastian
2017Effectiveness of the European semester: Explaining domestic consent and contestationMaatsch, Aleksandra
2017What money does: An inquiry into the backbone of capitalist political economyKoddenbrock, Kai
2017Quality and inequality: Taste, value, and power in the third wave coffee marketFischer, Edward F.
2017Varieties of economization in competition policy: A comparative analysis of German and American antitrust doctrines, 1960-2000Ergen, Timur; Kohl, Sebastian
2017Ambiguities of social Europe: Political agenda setting among trade unionists from Central and Eastern Europe and Western EuropeSeeliger, Martin
2017Coalitional cohesion in technology policy: The case of the early solar cell industry in the United StatesErgen, Timur
2017Unhinged: Industrial relations liberalization and capitalist instabilityBaccaro, Lucio; Howell, Chris
2017Ungleiche Mittelschichten: Über Unterschiede im Immobilienvermögen und im Erbe innerhalb der Mitte DeutschlandsKorom, Philipp
2017Zählen - Messen - Entscheiden: Wissen im politischen ProzessMayntz, Renate
2017Privatized Keynesianism or conspicuous consumption? Status anxiety and the financialization of consumption in ChileGonzález, Felipe
2017Digitale Souveränität: Technikutopien und Gestaltungsansprüche demokratischer PolitikMisterek, Fokko
2017From economic gains to social losses: How stories shape expectations in the case of German municipal financeFastenrath, Florian; Orban, Agnes; Trampusch, Christine
2017Fiscal fault, financial fix? Capital Markets Union and the quest for macroeconomic stabilization in the euro areaBraun, Benjamin; Hübner, Marina
2017Liberalization, hysteresis, and labor relations in Western European commercial aviationReale, Filippo Gian-Antonio
2017Handeln und Struktur, Akteur und System: Die kausale Rekonstruktion von sozialen Makrophänomenen am Beispiel der FinanzkriseMayntz, Renate
2017Die Historizität fiktionaler ErwartungenBeckert, Jens
2016Diversified quality production revisited the transformation of production systems and regulatory regimes in GermanySorge, Arndt; Streeck, Wolfgang
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 385
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