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Ergebnisse 31-40 von 43.
2016Effects of policies on patenting in wind power technologiesSchleich, Joachim; Walz, Rainer; Ragwitz, Mario
2020Household preferences for new heating systems: Insights from a multi-country discrete choice experimentSchleich, Joachim; Faure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Tu, Gengyang
2020Effects of rescaling the EU energy label on household preferences for top-rated appliancesFaure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Schleich, Joachim
2022How much are individuals willing to pay to offset their carbon footprint? The role of information disclosure and social normsSchleich, Joachim; Alsheimer, Sven
2020Active or passive? Companies' use of the EU ETSSchleich, Joachim; Lehmann, Sascha; Cludius, Johanna; Abrell, Jan; Betz, Regina Annette; Pinkse, Jonatan
2018How much load flexibility can a euro buy? Findings from a choice experiment with companies in the German commerce and services sectorOlsthoorn, Mark; Schleich, Joachim; Wohlfarth, Katharina; Klobasa, Marian
2013Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear powerDuscha, Vicki; Schumacher, Katja; Schleich, Joachim; Buisson, Pierre
2006An early assessment of national allocation plans for phase 2 of EU emission tradingRogge, Karoline S.; Schleich, Joachim; Betz, Regina
2017Household electricity contract and provider switching in the EUSchleich, Joachim; Faure, Corinne; Gassmann, Xavier
2014A brighter future? Quantifying the rebound effect in energy efficient lightingSchleich, Joachim; Mills, Bradford; Dütschke, Elisabeth