WTO Staff Working Papers, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO

ISSN: 2518-9808

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 310
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021The impact of services liberalization on education: Evidence from IndiaNano, Enrico; Nayyar, Gaurav; Rubínová, Stela; Stolzenburg, Victor
2021The WTO Global Trade Costs Index and its determinantsRubínová, Stela; Sebti, Mehdi
2021Buena vista: Social corporate responsibility provisions in regional trade agreementsMonteiro, José-Antonio
2021Trade costs in the global economy: Measurement, aggregation and decompositionEgger, Peter; Larch, Mario; Nigai, Sergey; Yotov, Yoto
2021Assessing the supply chain effect of natural disasters: Evidence from Chinese manufacturersLängle, Katharina; Xu, Ankai; Tian, Ruijie
2020The role of WTO committees through the lens of specific trade concerns raised in the TBT committeeCassehgari Posada, Kian; Ganne, Emmanuelle; Piermartini, Roberta
2020An economic analysis of the US-China trade conflictBekkers, Eddy; Schroeter, Sofia
2020Trade policies for a circular economy: What can we learn from WTO experience?Steinfatt, Karsten
2020The WTO's TPR coverage of SPS systems in Sub-Saharan AfricaKolié, Michael
2020International trade in travel and tourism services: Economic impact and policy responses during the COVID-19 crisisBarkas, Panagiotis; Honeck, Dale; Rubio, Ester
2020Protectionnisme dans l'assurance et la réassurance africaine: Contributions des Examens de politique commerciale (EPC) des etats membres de l'UEMOABlumenthal, Hervé; Hennis-Pierre, Catherine
2020Lessons learned and challenges ahead for the WTO Trade Monitoring exerciseBogetoft Pedersen, Peter; Diakantoni, Antonia
2020Gender-specific differences in geographical mobility: Evidence from GhanaOrkoh, Emmanuel; Stolzenburg, Victor
2020Trade and environment: What can we learn from trade policy reviews?Lim, Aik Hoe; Mathur, Sajal; Suk, Gowoon
2020Patent-related actions taken in WTO members in response to the COVID-19 pandemicWu, Xiaoping; Khazin, Bassam Peter
2020The evolution of services trade policy since the Great RecessionBorchert, Ingo; Magdeleine, Joscelyn; Marchetti, Juan A.; Mattoo, Aaditya
2020The development of trade policies in the Asia and Pacific region over the past 30 years since 1989Hayafuji, Masahiro
2020The value of the Committee on Agriculture: Mapping Q&As to trade flowsJackson, Lee Ann; Maggi, Federica; Piermartini, Roberta; Rubínová, Stela
2020The shifting contours of trade in knowledge: The new "trade-related aspects" of intellectual propertyTaubman, Antony
2020Illicit trade and infectious diseasesBeverelli, Cosimo; Ticku, Rohit
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 310
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