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Year of Publication: 
[Journal:] BRQ Business Research Quarterly [ISSN:] 2340-9436 [Volume:] 22 [Issue:] 3 [Publisher:] Elsevier España [Place:] Barcelona [Year:] 2019 [Pages:] 160-170
Elsevier España, Barcelona
Current debates around talent management echo previous concern about the development of the field of IHRM. This paper uses historical analysis to examine two questions: has the field followed a logical progression and process of increasing coherence; and has its narrative been shaped in ideological ways? It identifies six concepts that guided and enabled the subsequent development of the talent management field. It shows how a selection of these ideas were re-packaged through the introduction of new notions to build two competing narratives: a star performer perspective and a human capital management perspective. It examines the progressive critiques and problems that then had to be solved to address these concerns. There is evidence of periodic ideological re-interpretations of talent management but there has nonetheless been a logical, progressive and issues-driven evolution of ideas in the field into which the current critical perspectives must now be fitted.
Human resource strategy
Talent management
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