WiSo-HH Working Paper Series, WiSo-Forschungslabor, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg

ISSN: 2196-8128

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 80
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Uncovering Heterogeneous Regional Impacts of Chinese Monetary PolicyTsang, Andrew
2021Economics in Action – die Erstellung von Wirtschaftsprognosen in der (Corona-)KriseEmme, Verena; Henze, Justus; Reichmann, Werner; Weinig, Max
2020Evaluating Delayed Climate Policy by Cost-Risk AnalysisRoth, Robert; Neubersch, Delf; Held, Hermann
2020A Scheme for Jointly Trading-off Costs and Risks of Solar Radiation Management and Mitigation Under Long-tailed Climate Sensitivity Probability Density DistributionsRoshan, Elnaz; Khabbazan, Mohammad Mohammadi; Held, Hermann
2020Successor selection in times of continuity and renewal - A discrete choice-experimentHillebrand, Sebastian; Teichert, Thorsten
2020Replacing temperature targets by subsidiary targetsː How accurate are they? – Overshooting vs. economic lossesStein, Lukas; Khabbazan, Mohammad Mohammadi; Held, Hermann
2020Product development and (international) market development as reinforcing growth strategies - The role of familiy controlHillebrand, Sebastian
2020Who benefits? Heterogeneous effects of international student mobility on occupational attainmentWaibel, Stine; Rüger, Heiko; Ette, Andreas
2020Cost Risk Analysisː How Robust Is It in View of Weitzman's Dismal Theorem and Undetermined Risk Functions?Held, Hermann
2020How to formulate climate targets under uncertainty and anticipated future learning about climate sensitivity? – An axiomatic review of the strong sustainability paradigmSchreyer, Felix; Held, Hermann
2020Die Nachfolgerauswahl in Zeiten des technologischen WandelsHillebrand, Sebastian
2020Oil Price Shocks, Protest and the Shadow Economyː Is there a Mitigation Effect?Ishak, Phoebe W.; Fritsche, Ulrich
2019The Struggle Withinː Public Managers' Identity Struggles in Citizen Collaboration and Their Response StrategiesAschhoff, Nils
2019Positioning sustainability to deal with complex systemsː From sustainability identity to sustainability outlookMortimer, Genevieve; Tura, Nina; Mortimer, Bruce; Busch, Timo
2019The Mission in Sightː How a Leaders' Motivation and Awareness relates to their Followers' Mission ValenceMayr, Marcel
2019Hamburg-BUS 2019 Bürgerumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften für HamburgBock, Olaf; Borsdorf, Paul; Kleinen-von Königslöw, Katharina; Lohmann, Henning; Peter, Sascha; Schnapp, Kai-Uwe
2019Gender matters in language and economic behaviourBeblo, Miriam; Görges, Luise; Markowsky, Eva
2018Technological change and labor market integrationBublitz, Elisabeth; Wyrwich, Michael
2018Consulting the chrystal ballː Firm's foresight and a cap-and-trade scheme with endogenous supply adjustmentsWillner, Maximilian
2017Impact measurement in venture philanthropy organizationsː A single case studyHochstädter, Anna Katharina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 80
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