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Results 1-10 of 12.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Housing Wealth or Collateral: How Home Value Shocks Drive Home Equity Extraction and SpendingLeth-Petersen, Søren; Andersen, Henrik Yde
2022Communicating social security reformCaplin, Andrew; Lee, Eungik; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Sæverud, Johan
2021Financing Constraints, Home Equity and Selection into EntrepreneurshipJensen, Thais Laerkholm; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Nanda, Ramana
2019Time Discounting and Wealth InequalityEpper, Thomas; Fehr, Ernst; Fehr-Duda, Helga; Kreiner, Claus Thustrup; Lassen, David Dreyer; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Rasmussen, Gregers Nytoft
2022The intertemporal marginal propensity to consume out of future persistent cash-flows: Evidence from transaction dataDruedahl, Jeppe; Jensen, Emil Bjerre; Leth-Petersen, Søren
2020How Do Households Respond to Job Loss? Lessons from Multiple High-Frequency Data SetsAndersen, Asger Lau; Jensen, Amalie Sofie; Johannesen, Niels; Kreiner, Claus Thustrup; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Sheridan, Adam
2019Durables and Lemons: Private Information and the Market for CarsBlundell, Richard; Gu, Ran; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Low, Hamish; Meghir, Costas
2017Financial Trouble across Generations: Evidence from the Universe of Personal Loans in DenmarkKreiner, Claus Thustrup; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Willerslev-Olsen, Louise C.
2022How worker productivity and wages grow with tenure and experience: The firm perspectiveCaplin, Andrew; Lee, Minjoon; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Sæverud, Johan; Shapiro, Matthew D.
2024Identification of marginal treatment effects using subjective expectationsBriggs, Joseph; Caplin, Andrew; Leth-Petersen, Søren; Tonetti, Christopher