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Results 1-10 of 886.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Bidens Balanceakt - die Ukraine stärken, Krieg mit Russland vermeiden: Ziele, Szenarien, OptionenRudolf, Peter
2021Germany, the EU and Global Britain: So near, yet so far. How to link "Global Britain" to European foreign and security policyMajor, Claudia; von Ondarza, Nicolai
2022Carbon dioxide removal as an integral building block of the European Green DealSchenuit, Felix; Böttcher, Miranda; Geden, Oliver
2021Die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas: Herausforderungen und Erfolgsbedingungen für einen Reformimpuls, der über Krisenmanagement hinausreichtvon Ondarza, Nicolai; Ålander, Minna
2021Attribution: A major challenge for EU cyber sanctions. An analysis of WannaCry, NotPetya, Cloud Hopper, Bundestag Hack and the attack on the OPCWBendiek, Annegret; Schulze, Matthias
2021Responsibility in supply chains: Germany's due diligence act is a good startMaihold, Günther; Müller, Melanie; Saulich, Christina; Schöneich, Svenja
2021Standing on our own feet? Opportunities and risks of European self-defenceLübkemeier, Eckhard
2023Germany and Namibia as co-leads for the United Nations: Chances and challenges on the road to the 2024 UN Summit of the futureBeisheim, Marianne; Weinlich, Silke
2020Auf der Flucht im eigenen Land: Politische und institutionelle Herausforderungen im Kontext von BinnenvertreibungKoch, Anne
2023Lawmaking at the WHO: Amendments to the international health regulations and a new pandemic treaty after COVID-19Villarreal, Pedro A.