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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 173.
2014New crops, local soils and urbanization: Clover, potatoes and the growth of Danish market towns,1672-1901Schmidt, Torben Dall; Jensen, Peter Sandholt; Naz, Amber
2011Bondholders vs. bond-sellers? Investment banks and conditionality lending in the London market for foreign government debt, 1815-1913Flandreau, Marc; Flores, Juan
2015Was Gerschenkron right? Bulgarian agricultural growth during the Interwar period in light of modern development economicsKopsidis, Michael; Ivanov, Martin
2015National income and its distribution in preindustrial Poland in a global perspectiveMalinowski, Nikolaj; van Zanden, Jan Luiten
2017Effects of reforms and supervisory organizations: Evidence from the Ottoman Empire and the Istanbul bourseHanedar, Elmas Yaldiz; Hanedar, Avni Önder; Çelikay, Ferdi
2016The Gross Agricultural Output of Portugal: A Quantitative, Unified Perspective, 1500-1850Reis, Jaime
2016Reconstruction of annual money supply over the long run: The case of England, 1279-1870Palma, Nuno
2013Understanding Rating Addiction: US Courts and the Origins of Rating Agencies' Regulatory License (1900-1940)Flandreau, Marc; Slawatyniec, Joanna Kinga
2019Immigrant Communities and Knowledge Spillovers: Danish-Americans and the Development of the Dairy Industry in the United StatesBoberg-Fazlić, Nina; Sharp, Paul
2017Between war and peace: The Ottoman economy and foreign exchange trading at the Istanbul bourseHanedar, Avni Önder; Gencer, Hatice Gaye; Demiralay, Sercan; Altay, Ismail