The solar energy conversion into electricity is a very promising technique, knowing that the source is free, clean and abundant in several countries. However, the effect of the solar cells temperature on the photovoltaic panel performance and lifespan remains one of the major disadvantages of this technology. In this work, we present an experimental study of a particular photovoltaic panel. It is self-cooled due to its open design which facilitates natural ventilation helping to improve its performance mainly in hot hours of the day and to avoid dust accumulation on its surface. This solar system is tested for two soil natures, white and gray, and for two inclination angles, 0° and 30°. Results show that the photovoltaic panel performs better when it is inclined and placed on a white soil. A 3D CFD model describing the performance of this solar system is then developed and a good agreement between the numerical results and experimental data is found. Similarly, this CFD model was used to compare the thermal performance of this solar system to that of the flat PV system and to show that its lower temperature allows better electrical production.