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WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin
Since most countries in Latin America transitioned to democracy about 30 years ago, the region has witnessed a continuous flourishing of institutions, mechanisms, and processes aimed at enhancing democracy through citizen participation. Those democratic innovations, created by governments and civil society alike, constitute a landscape of political experimentation which is integral to Latin America’s democracy, and should not be ignored by the indices that assess democracy in the region. This conviction led me to design LATINNO to enable scholars, practitioners, and policy makers to map, measure, and compare democratic innovations across Latin America. The LATINNO database comprises 3,744 institutions, processes, and mechanisms involving citizen participation which were created in 18 Latin American countries between 1990 and 2020. It is the first and so far the most comprehensive and systematic source of knowledge on democratic innovations evolved in Latin America. This final report completes LATINNO’s five years of work and comprises three parts. The first part introduces the project, its analytical framework, methodology, and the dataset. The second part highlights some results, trends, and recommendations that draw on the LATINNO data. Finally, the third part presents a brief narrative of how democratic innovations have evolved in each of the 18 countries investigated, underlining some of the relevant cases contained in the dataset.
citizen participation
democratic innovations
Latin America
Research Report


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