Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, Sciendo

ISSN: 2336-9205

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 286
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Does monetary policy solely correct disequilibrium in the balance of payment? Evidence from the developing worldKhan, Muhammad Azam
2023The effect of monetary policy on income inequality: Empirical evidence from Asian and African developing economiesKhan, Zulfiqar; Khan, Muhammad Azam
2023Testing the factors that determine the profitability of banks with a dynamic approach: Evidence from TurkeyDoğan, Mesut; Yildiz, Feyyaz
2023Resilience and path dependency: Income distribution effects of GDP in ColombiaAysan, Ahmet Faruk; Demirbas, Dilek; Disli, Mustafa; Parra, Monica Shirley Chaparro
2023Bank regulation in the selected Sub-Saharan African countries: Dynamics and trendsThamae, Retselisitsoe I.; Odhiambo, Nicholas M.; Khumalo, John M.
2023Importance of the contingent claims analysis in detecting banking risks: Evidence from the Greek bank crisisKyriakopoulos, Constantinos; Koulis, Alexandros; Varvounis, Gerasimos
2023Can credit related macroprudential instruments be effective in reducing the correlation between economic and credit growth? Cross-country evidenceGanić, Mehmed
2023Does the effectiveness of monetary policy depend on the choice of policy instrument? Empirical evidence from South KoreaZuniga, Martha Cruz; Senbet, Dawit
2023Unusual changes in the U.S. Treasury security market during the fourth round of quantitative easingAllen, Kyle D.; Hein, Scott E.
2023Does central bank transparency deter the exchange rate volatility? New evidence from Asian emerging marketsShamsi, Muhammad Aftab; Mehmood, Ahsan
2023Does credit growth in the EMU banking sector follow its capital adequacy?Veselinovič, Draško; Fabijan, Janez; Vadnjal, Jaka
2023Revisiting of interest rate channel: Nonlinear transmission of monetary policy shocks to the Turkish economyYıldırım, Durmuş Çağrı; Turan, Tugba
2023Central Bank independence: The case of North African Central BanksHaoudi, Amina; Touati, Ali Bennagem
2023Green finance: Regulation and instrumentsMartin, Vesna
2023Econometric VAR analysis of the effect of the foreign exchange reserves on macroeconomic variables in emerging countries: The case of BRIC countriesKrušković, Borivoje D.
2023Effects of exchange rate, output gap, and output gap volatility on inflation volatility in TurkeyÖzer, Mustafa; Grubišić, Zoran; Küçüksakarya, Sevilay
2023The new era of capital regulation complexityPfeifer, Lukáš
2023Raising interest rates for improving incomePeña, Guillermo
2023Sustainability of the currency board in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the conditions of a negative interest rate on the reserve currencyTomaš, Rajko
2023Could the issuance of CBDC reduce the likelihood of banking panic?Ben Souissi, Soraya; Nabi, Mahmoud Sami
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 286