Working Papers, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

ISSN: 0906-5830

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 213
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Commercializing Academic Research: The Quality of Faculty PatentingCzarnitzki, Dirk; Hussinger, Katrin; Schneider, Cedric
2008Equilibrium Selection with Risk Dominance in a Multiple-unit Unit Price AuctionBoom, Anette
2008Arm's Length Provision of Public ServicesSchultz, Christian; Bennedsen, Morten
2007Firm productivity: The Role of Competition and of the Initial Firm Efficiency. Evidence from the Czech Republicla Cour, Lisbeth; Ionascu, Delia
2007Estimating the Impact of Time-Invariant Variables on FDI with Fixed EffectsDavies, Ronald B.; Ionascu, Delia; Kristjánsdóttir, Helga
2007Who is hurt by discrimination?Larsen, Birthe; Waisman, Gisela
2007The Implications of Globalization for Firms’ Demand for Skilled and Unskilled LaborScheuer, Christian; Sørensen, Anders; Rosholm, Michael
2007Commodity Taxation and Parallel ImportsRaimondos-Møller, Pascalis; Schmitt, Nicolas
2007Kapitalfondes opkøb af butikskæder: Tilfældet MatasBlomgren-Hansen, Niels
2007Do attitudes towards immigrants matter?Waisman, Gisela; Larsen, Birthe
2007Yardstick competition for multi-product hospitals: An analysis of the proposed Dutch yardstick mechanismAgrell, Per J.; Bogetoft, Peter; Halbersma, Rein; Mikkers, Misja C.
2007Vertically Integrated Firms' Investments in Electricity Generating CapacitiesBoom, Anette
2007Competition in Soccer LeaguesTvede, Mich; Olai Hansen, Bodil
2007Accounting for Moral Hazard In Cost-Effectiveness AnalysisKeiding, Hans; Hansen, Bodil O.
2007Do CEOs Matter?Bennedsen, Morten; Pérez-González, Francisco; Wolfenzon, Daniel
2007Lobbying Bureaucrats: Delegation and Influence Under Alternative Political StructuresBennedsen, Morten; Feldmann, Sven E.
2007The Causal Effect of Board Size in the Performance of Closely Held CorporationsBennedsen, Morten; Kongsted, Hans Christian; Meisner Nielsen, Kasper
2006Kampen om aktieklasserne: konsekvenser af at harmonisere selskabslovgivningen i EuropaBennedsen, Morten; Dam, Thea; Herby, Jonas; Nielsen, Kasper
2006Specialization, Outsourcing and WagesMunch, Jakob Roland; Skaksen, Jan Rose
2006Capital gains taxation and house price fluctuationsFuest, Clemens; Huber, Bernd; Nielsen, Søren Bo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 213