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Ergebnisse 31-40 von 134.
2018Trade Policies and Integration of the Western BalkansReiter, Oliver; Stehrer, Robert
2019Implications of foreign direct investment, capital formation and its structure for global value chainsAdarov, Amat; Stehrer, Robert
2015The Relation between Industry and Services in Terms of Productivity and Value CreationBaker, Paul; Foster-McGregor, Neil; Johannes, Koenen; Leitner, Sandra M.; Schricker, Julia; Stehrer, Robert; Strobel, Thomas; Vermeulen, Jurgen; Vieweg, Hans-Günther; Yagafarova, Anastasia
2022Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern (MOEL)Weinberger-Vidovic, Hermine; Astrov, Vasily; Jestl, Stefan; Landesmann, Michael; Leitner, Sebastian; Römisch, Roman; Stehrer, Robert
2014Labour Market Transitions of Young People during the Economic CrisisLeitner, Sebastian; Stehrer, Robert
2005Employment, Education and Occupation Structures: A Framework for ForecastingStehrer, Robert
2016The Role of Financial Constraints for Different Innovation Strategies: Evidence for CESEE and FSU CountriesLeitner, Sandra M.; Stehrer, Robert
2012Value Added and Factors in Trade: A Comprehensive ApproachVries, Gaaitzen De; Foster-McGregor, Neil; Stehrer, Robert
2016Changing Patterns in M&E-Investment-Based Innovation Strategies in CESEE and FSU CountriesLandesmann, Michael; Leitner, Sandra M.; Stehrer, Robert
2012Sectoral Employment Effects of Economic DownturnsFoster-McGregor, Neil; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris; Leitner, Sandra M.; Leitner, Sebastian; Rabemiafara, Nirina; Sanoussi, Fadila; Stehrer, Robert; Ward, Terry