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Results 11-20 of 20.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Redistribution within the tax-benefit system in AustriaChristl, Michael; Köppl-Turyna, Monika; Lorenz, Hanno; Kucsera, Dénes
2020Heterogeneity in effective VAT rates across native and migrant households in France, Germany and SpainChristl, Michael; Papini, Andrea; Tumino, Alberto
2021Redistribution across Europe: How much and to whom?Hammer, Bernhard; Christl, Michael; De Poli, Silvia
2021Does it pay to say "I do"? Marriage bonuses and penalties across the EUChristl, Michael; De Poli, Silvia; Ivaéskaite-Tamoésiune, Viginta
2020Households' income and the cushioning effect of fiscal policy measures during the Great LockdownAlmeida, Vanda; Barrios Cobos, Salvador; Christl, Michael; De Poli, Silvia; Tumino, Alberto; Van Der Wielen, Wouter
2021Mismatch unemployment in Austria: The role of regional labour markets for skillsBöheim, René; Christl, Michael
2022The impact of alternative childcare policies on mothers' employment for selected EU countriesNarazani, Edlira; García, Ana Agúndez; Christl, Michael; Figari, Francesco
2022The future of taxation in changing labour marketsChristl, Michael; Livanos, Ilias; Papini, Andrea; Tumino, Alberto
2023Hypothetical tax-benefit reforms in Hungary: Shifting from tax relief to cash transfers for family supportAgúndez García, Ana; Christl, Michael
2023Limiting prices or transferring money? An ex-ante assessment of alternative measures to cope with the hike in energy pricesAmores, Antonio F.; Christl, Michael; De Agostini, Paola; De Poli, Silvia; Maier, Sofia