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[Journal:] Markenbrand [ISSN:] 2195-4933 [Issue:] 7/2018 [Publisher:] Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Kompetenzzentrum Marketing & Branding [Place:] Neu-Ulm [Year:] 2018 [Pages:] 35-46
Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Kompetenzzentrum Marketing & Branding, Neu-Ulm
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
This article examines the individual experiences of applicants during the recruiting process. It investigates whether their requirements for modern recruiting are fulfilled. The consideration focuses on the target group of students of the generation Y. To enable a holistic approach, a triangulation method is applied. A qualitative preliminary study is used for the explorative investigation of the research subject and generates profound insights. These insights demonstrate the status quo of the prevailing candidate experience within the generation Y. As a result, hypotheses are derived and verified in the second part of the study. Statistical evaluation methods are used to investigate the suspected relationships. The five demonstrated hypotheses confirm a lasting impact on the candidate experience. This includes a professional appearance of the company representatives during a job interview, an intensive communication with the applicants, an individual feedback as well as the duration of the application upload and the entire recruiting process. In addition, it is explored whether the experiences have an effect on the attractiveness of an employer. The results show that a negative candidate experience may reduce the chances of a reapplication and thereby reducing the employer attractiveness.


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