FMM Working Paper, Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

ISSN: 2512-8655

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 104
2022Inflation and distribution during the post-COVID recoverySetterfield, Mark
2022The effects of fiscal rules on public investment over the cycleJürgens, Ekaterina
2022An evaluation of neo-Kaleckian supermultiplier and neo-Goodwinian models: Pseudo-goodwin cycles, external markets and pro-cyclical labour productivityFiebiger, Brett
2022Schumpeter in practice: The role of credit for industrial policy in ChinaGeißendörfer, Lisa; Haas, Thomas
2022Structural change in the US Phillips curve, 1948-2021: The role of power and institutionsSetterfield, Mark; Blecker, Robert A.
2022The false promise and bitter fruit of NeoliberalismPalley, Thomas I.
2022The political economy of alternative export-led strategies: Exporting differently?Pariboni, Riccardo; Paternesi Meloni, Walter
2022QMDE: A quarterly empirical model for the Danish economy. A stock-flow consistent approachByrialsen, Mikael Randrup; Raza, Hamid; Valdecantos, Sebastian
2022Theorizing varieties of capitalism: Economics and the fallacy that "There is no alternative (TINA)"Palley, Thomas I.
2022Varieties of the rat race: Working hours in the age of abundanceBehringer, Jan; Gonzalez Granda, Martin; van Treeck, Till
2021The post-Keynesian "crowding-in" policy meme: Government-led semi-autonomous demand growthFiebiger, Brett
2021Aggregate demand externalities, income distribution, and wealth inequalityPetach, Luke; Tavani, Daniele
2021Classical political economy and secular stagnationLuzuriaga, Manuel Cruz; Tavani, Daniele
2021Do higher public debt levels reduce economic growth?Heimberger, Philipp
2021Effects of fiscal consolidation on income inequality: Narrative evidence from South AmericaCardoso, Dante; Carvalho, Laura
2021The effect of borrower-specific loan-to-value policies on household debt, wealth inequality and consumption volatility: An agent-based analysisTarne, Ruben; Bezemer, Dirk Johan; Theobald, Thomas
2021Bargaining power, structural change, and the falling U.S. labor shareCauvel, Michael; Pacitti, Aaron
2021Pandemics and aggregate demand: A framework for policy analysisFlaschel, Peter; Galanis, Giorgos; Tavani, Daniele; Veneziani, Roberto
2021The network origins of aggregate fluctuations: A demand-side approachCitera, Emanuele; Gouri Suresh, Shyam; Setterfield, Mark
2021How can green differentiated capital requirements affect climate risks? A dynamic macrofinancial analysisDafermos, Yannis; Nikolaidi, Maria
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 104