ZEW Discussion Papers, ZEW - Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2520
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024The importance of EU Cohesion Policy for economic growth and convergencevon Ehrlich, Maximilian
2024The distributional effects of place-based policies in the EULang, Valentin
2024Cohesion policy and the principle of subsidiarity: A legal analysisLeino-Sandberg, Päivi
2024News media bargaining codesSandrini, Luca; Somogyi, Robert
2024Fueling electrification: The impact of gas prices on hybrid car usageGrigolon, Laura; Park, Eunseong; Remmy, Kevin
2024On the role of EU cohesion policy for climate policyFeld, Lars P.; Hassib, Joshua
2024Who is in the driver's seat? Markups, markdowns, and profit sharing in the car industryHahn, Nadine
2024Big data and firm-level productivity: A cross-country comparisonAndres, Raphaela; Niebel, Thomas; Sack, Robin
2024Constraining and enabling factors of a successful regional policy in EuropeFratesi, Ugo
2024Mass customization with additive manufacturing: Blessing or curse for society?Schwierzy, Julian; Wenzel, Tobias
2024Early life conditions, time preferences, and savingsAdamopoulou, Effrosyni; Colombo, Mattia; Triviza, Eleftheria
2024Nudging for tax compliance: A meta-analysisAntinyan, Armenak; Asatryan, Zareh
2024Product differentiation and quality in production function estimationHahn, Nadine
2024Mandated data-sharing in hybrid marketplacesNavarra, Federico; Pino, Flavio; Sandrini, Luca
2024Trade in services and innovationKrieger, Bastian; Trottner, Fabian
2024The interplay between public procurement of innovation and R&D grants: Empirical evidence from BelgiumCzarnitzki, Dirk; Prüfer, Malte
2023Diversify or not? The link between global sourcing of ICT goods and firm performanceSchiersch, Alexander; Bertschek, Irene; Niebel, Thomas
2023Mobilizing credit for clean energy: De-risking and public loan provision under learning spilloversWaidelich, Paul; Krug, Joscha; Steffen, Bjarne
2023Strategic management in public procurement: The role of dynamic capabilities in equity and efficiencyCappelletti, Matilde; Giuffrida, Leonardo M.; Heaton, Sohvi; Siegel, Donald S.
2023Local labor markets as a taxable location factor? Evidence from a shock to foreign labor supplyNover, Justus
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2520
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers