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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 24.
2021The effectiveness of risk management system and firm performance in the European context
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 182-196
Ghazieh, Louai; Chebana, Nadia
2021The effect of macroeconomic variables on the robustness of the traditional Fama-French model: A study for Mexico using different portfolios
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 252-267
Saucedo, Eduardo; González, Jorge
2021Editorial: An upcoming 30th anniversary encouraging the papers' publication
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 178-181
Salcedo, Nestor U.
2021The impacts of intellectual capital on financial performance and value-added of the production evidence from Chile
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 51, S. 127-142
Acuña-Opazo, Christian; Contreras González, Oscar
2021The use of the mobile phone in the rural zones of Peru
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 390-399
Franciskovic, Jubitza Mariana; Miralles, Francesc
2021CEO turnover in public and private organizations: Analysis of the relevance of different performance horizons
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 333-357
Lafuente, Esteban; García Cestona, Miguel Angel
2021The impact of economic growth, trade openness and manufacturing on CO2 emissions in India: An autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds test approach
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 376-389
Karedla, Yaswanth; Mishra, Rohit; Patel, Nikunj
2021The impact of customer performance on IMC outcomes: Firm size moderation in the inter-country context
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 358-375
Butkouskaya, Vera; Llonch-Andreu, Joan; Alarcón-del-Amo, María-del-Carmen
2021Capital structure, stock exchanges in Chile: 2007 to 2016
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 52, S. 317-332
Henrique, Marcelo Rabelo; Silva, Sandro Braz; Saporito, Antonio
2021Ethnic diverse and financing choices affecting of business survival: A case study of New Zealand small- and medium-sized enterprises
In: Band: 26, 2021, Heft: 51, S. 160-174
Duppati, Geeta; Scrimgeour, Frank G.; Surachai Chancharat; Ploypailin Kijkasiwat