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2017The effect of technological intensity of exports on the economic growth of Brazilian microregions: A spatial analysis with panel data
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 310-327
Raiher, Augusta Pelinski; do Carmo, Alex Sander Souza; Stege, Alysson Luiz
2017Decomposing Brazilian manufacturing industry dynamics in the mid-2000s: Macroeconomic factors and their sectoral impacts
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 411-432
Domingues, Edson Paulo; Barreiro de Souza, Kênia; Souza Magalhães, Aline
2017Managerial effort under asymmetric information: The case of public schools in Brazil
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 275-297
Almeida, Alessio Tony C.; Ramalho, Hilton M.B.; Araujo Junior, Ignacio T.
2017Revisiting the evolutionism of Edith Penrose’s The theory of the growth of the firm: Penrose’s entrepreneur meets Veblenian institutions
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 298-309
Almeida, Felipe; Pessali, Huáscar
2017A signaling model of foreign direct investment attraction
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 344-358
de C. Griebeler, Marcelo; Wagner, Elisa M.
2017Revisiting the causal nexus between savings and economic growth in India: An empirical analysis
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 380-391
Patra, Suresh Kumar; Murthy, Dogga Satyanarayana; Kuruva, Mahendra Babu; Mohanty, Avipsa
2017Portfolio management using realized covariances: Evidence from Brazil
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 328-343
Caldeira, João F.; Moura, Guilherme V.; Perlin, Marcelo S.; Santos, André A.P.
2017The incorporation of structural change into growth theory: A historical appraisal
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 392-410
Gabardo, Francisco Adilson; Pereima, João Basilio; Einloft, Pedro
2017ASEAN economic growth, trade openness and banking-sector depth: The nexus
In: Band: 18, 2017, Heft: 3, S. 359-379
Pradhan, Rudra P.; Arvin, Mak B.; Hall, John H.; Norman, Neville R.