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Series/Report no.: 
ADBI Working Paper No. 777
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Tokyo
This study is an attempt to ascertain how sharp oil price changes can affect oil-exporting and oil-importing economies. To this end, a simultaneous equation model (SEM) was applied through a weighted two-stage least squares estimation method to different countries (21 cases) with business relations over the period from Q1 2000 to Q4 2015. In the case of oil-exporting countries - consisting of Iran, the Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, and Kazakhstan - the findings revealed that they totally benefit from oil price increases. In the case of oil-importing countries, the effects are more diverse. To derive a better interpretation, we divided them into four groups: European Union (EU) members (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland); East Asian nations (Japan; the People's Republic of China; the Republic of Korea; Viet Nam; Taipei,China; Singapore; and Hong Kong, China); Commonwealth of Independent States (Ukraine and Belarus); and others (the United States, India, and Turkey). The results showed that all these countries importing oil face a negative supply shock, except Turkey which benefits directly from an oil price shock. Furthermore, the indirect effect coefficient received through trade for all these countries was positive.
crude oil price
trade linkage
direct and indirect effect of oil shocks
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Document Type: 
Working Paper

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